
Apr 05, 2010 20:51

My entire week is free, aside from playing games with Yotsuba and possibly cooking her spaghetti. Then there's patrolling -- well, I'm ALMOST free all week ( Read more... )

kyle rayner

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luthored April 6 2010, 03:47:18 UTC
If swampland equals nicer. At least the town is fairly dry.


imaginates April 6 2010, 03:52:23 UTC
What's wrong with a little mud? It's better than freezing temperatures... then again, I could just fly over the mud. So, maybe that's just me.


luthored April 6 2010, 04:10:17 UTC
That is cheating. Although in theory if I move fast enough I could walk over it.


imaginates April 6 2010, 04:23:29 UTC
You're not the type to walk in heels all the time, are you?

Have you ever squished mud in between your toes? It feels good. ... Iii did this as a kid, by the way. Not recently.


luthored April 6 2010, 04:38:46 UTC
Not in mud, no.

...I used to do that as a kid. Kansas is pretty big on the storms, after all, so playing in the mud was almost mandatory.


imaginates April 6 2010, 04:55:41 UTC
And now you're too old to do kiddy things like that? Even if having a mud bath at a spa is kind of the same thing?


luthored April 6 2010, 04:59:50 UTC
...I've never had a mud bath at a spa. So at least I can say I'm not a hypocrite.


imaginates April 6 2010, 05:18:58 UTC
Damn, I was so sure. Then again, you're a country girl, right?


luthored April 6 2010, 05:23:36 UTC
Grew up one, yeah. But I ended up working in Metropolis, and then I traveled a lot. I guess I should be surprised I never tried a mud bath. ...I was just always too busy.

You're not seriously going to go play around in the mud, are you?


imaginates April 6 2010, 05:32:51 UTC
No way, not unless someone else offers to shove me in so I can have a reasonable excuse. [a laugh] I'm trying to think of someone I can shove in as a joke, but most of my friends are girls, and girls wouldn't take that very well. The guy friends that I do have wouldn't take it well, either.

I'm 100% city boy. Do you miss the country sometimes?


luthored April 6 2010, 05:35:11 UTC
Most people wouldn't take well to being shoved in the mud, unfortunately.

[ pause ]

Sometimes. But I try not to think about it. It's not part of my life anymore.


imaginates April 6 2010, 05:41:22 UTC
I wonder why. It's not like there's no place to wash up afterward.

Um. Sorry if I brought up homesickness, then. I think the same about L.A. I miss it, but New York's my life now. Well, traveling is, I guess.

What's there to do out in the country? Other than horse back riding and skinny dipping.


luthored April 6 2010, 05:44:39 UTC
Adults are just taught to be grossed out by mud, I guess.

It's fine. My life is different now, and I'm not sorry for that.

There's lots to do, depending on who you hang out with. Almost anything you could do in the city you could do in Smallville. But people who liked clubbing and such usually ended up going to Metropolis for the weekend. ...Or to abandoned buildings and caves.


imaginates April 6 2010, 06:16:19 UTC
Abandoned buildings and caves. I'm guessing there's mud involved, too. Sounds like an artist's inspiration -- I'd take the clubbing, though. What about you?


luthored April 6 2010, 06:17:13 UTC
Horseback riding and skinny dipping.


imaginates April 6 2010, 06:33:08 UTC


Have fun with the mountain of horse poop and leaches.


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