Woke up in apartment much like old one back in New York. Scattered ruins of newspapers on floor near sign supplies confirm this to be Los Angeles. Found paper on dresser that said I am a tailor again. Castle seems to like making me live old life whenever possible. Funny in an ironic sort of way. Appears I do my work from here in apartment - several dummies in corner, pinstripe suit with alterations marked on sleeves. Nice material.
Also, small bench full of tools near adjacent doorway, and backpack full of textbooks. Can only assume Wybie is here somewhere as well. ... Interesting. At least castle saw fit to allow me to keep better watch over one of the children.
[the following are dictated over the sounds of a can opener. BREAKFAST IS SERVED, WYBIE]
[Code Blair]
Any of you been given responsibility of watching after children by castle?
[New Watchmen]
Where are you?