
Dec 26, 2009 22:17

[ Gellert ]

[ a really, really beautiful quill was delivered to your door today. no note, no wrapping ]

[ Agkito, Nill, Nanako, Zoe, Merlin, Morgana, James, Neville, Draco, Delirium, Crowley, Fifth Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Ash, Mai, Clark, Teddy, Erica, Hassan and Raine ]

[ all of your presents found their way outsde your door/into your room sometime between today and yesterday. most people know what they got from the meme on YuuYuuPandaLand. if you don't, or I didn't tell you, just drop a comment here and I'll say. if your character is a friend, and I forgot you, kill me now, and then drop a comment here ]

[ /Filters ]

[ EVERYONE ALBUS KNOWS, (except... Gellert) seriously like everyone that he's exchanged names with, or a few conversations with, including the people above, will receive a basket full of wizarding candy (I'm too lazy to list out Harry Potter candy. you guys know, right?) and two or three silly little things. these silly things include: handkerchiefs that spontaneously turn into birds and back, singing yoyos, teacups with legs, plates with arms, flutes, flashing buttons, dancing flowers, balloons that sparkle when you blow them up, bells that whistle instead of ring, whistles that ring instead of whistle, self-writing quills that write out really lame jokes, and toothpaste. it's up with you what your character got ]

[ dictated ] Happy Holidays, everyone! I do so hope that everybody is enjoying the season, no matter what they celebrate at this time.

Paradisa is being... well, to be frank, almost unbelievably kind to us, is it not? When I received my gift yesterday, I wasn't sure whether to believe it or not.

[ on cue, Fawkes lets out a long croon. Albus pets him fondly, wonderingly ]


Ah, and thank you, everyone, for the gifts. They were just wonderful.

[ he's in the lobby, reading a book! Fawkes is perched on the back of his couch, and Dro is lying down at his feet, napping. if you wanna swing by, please do! ]

[ ooc; i am on my sister's tiny laptop. TYPING IS HARD, so tags will be slow. also sob, i'm so sure i forgot to put something/someone in this post... ;; ]

albus dumbledore

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