
Dec 10, 2009 21:05

[He may not be entirely sure about this, but Leon was out on the lobby, leaning against the wall. Things have been a little weird lately, but then he was warned this place was odd. You'd think he'd learn by now, but he was set on finding out what was going on and yet also set on throwing it all to strange coincidence.]

[OOC:Planned and unplanned ( Read more... )


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leon December 11 2009, 02:09:10 UTC
[Namesake kiss go! Plus, Leon hasn't gotten any action yet so what the hell--he's headed down toward the courtyard when he notices the other guy ... chillen against a wall. Huh. Emo bangs, meet emo 'tude]


gunblade_heart December 11 2009, 02:31:04 UTC
[Oh snap! This Leon looked up when he saw that someone was coming out to pass him. Huh.. It seemed he was headed out. He'll just nod him a hello. No need to interrupt him.]


leon December 11 2009, 02:38:20 UTC
[Huh. That guy seemed nicer than most. Must've been pretty new, though--Leon was sure he'd have remembered that bling.

If only it were that simple, though. The castle decided just then to ring every bell in that stretch of hallway. WHAT IS THIS STRANGE FEELING]


gunblade_heart December 11 2009, 02:54:37 UTC
[That... that was bothering. Leon looked up at the hall as if it held the reasoning for why that feeling was coming over himself. Damn it all, castle!

Now he was leaning off the wall and walking over. With so many bell's ringing, even he couldn't resist it. He'll be reaching up and pulling him in for the oncoming kiss now]


leon December 11 2009, 03:06:23 UTC
[Just what he had in mind. Which is ... pretty strange, since Leon wasn't generally attracted to men.

All right, so there was Luis, but it was just the one time. Err. Or was it? Damn this castle, he couldn't even remember anymore.

But he's not about to let this stranger just dominate the kiss. He slips his arms around the other Leon's waist, holding him close against him as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss before the effect of the bells has a chance to wear off]


gunblade_heart December 11 2009, 03:44:53 UTC
[Leon was going to blame Leon's ability to dominate the kiss on the height advantage and be done with that. Seeing as the others arms were around his waist, he reached up to just rest his gloved hands on the others shoulders and tilt up into that deepened kiss.

This Leon was also pretty sure he was straight, but with this many kisses to guys even he can be sort of worried about the meaning of this.]


leon December 11 2009, 04:08:45 UTC
[Your secret's safe here--mostly because Leon doesn't want this madness leaked to the public, either.

As soon as the bell's charm wears off though, he's releasing his newfound boyfriend and pulling back. Whoa, buddy. Leon's all for kissing on the first date, but you don't even look hispanic like his type]


gunblade_heart December 11 2009, 04:23:03 UTC
[He's going to be pulling away and taking a step back. Well then.]



leon December 11 2009, 04:36:37 UTC
Don't worry about it--same thing happened last year around this time.


gunblade_heart December 11 2009, 04:44:39 UTC
[Well then, that makes him feel better. Why would the castle do something like this?]

I'm Leon.


leon December 11 2009, 05:12:01 UTC
[Because it secretly hopes for a resident orgy]

That makes two of us.


gunblade_heart December 11 2009, 05:18:09 UTC
[Leon would like to kindly be left out]

What are the odds..


leon December 11 2009, 05:47:19 UTC
[Everyone loves a good orgy]

Nice to meet you, for what it's worth.

[Sorry it couldn't be on different terms]

You pretty new around here?


gunblade_heart December 11 2009, 05:58:03 UTC
[Not everyone]

Yeah, I just got here not too long ago.

[All is forgiven. Nothing to worry about]


leon December 11 2009, 06:10:09 UTC
My condolences.

For what it's worth, this place could be worse.

[Aaaand he just realized that might be taken the wrong way, considering what just happened between them. Time to clarify]

I mean--no zombies, that's always a plus.


gunblade_heart December 11 2009, 06:20:34 UTC
Yeah, no heart-devouring shadows intent on destroying worlds...

[He feels for you over the zombie thing. That just sounds tough to deal with.]


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