
Dec 09, 2009 19:57

[ Albus thinks that this kissing thing is really sweet and kind of cute. *3* JUST NOT FOR HIM because he has absolutely no wish to be kissed by anyone. at all. too bad for him, huh? he's set up shop in the library, and is at a table with a lot of books surrounding him, most of them about healing magic. he has removed every single bell within a two metre radius. too bad for him that the castle will bring them back soon enough. :3

he's sipping on gin and juice a mug of mulled mead as he reads, and his journal is open next to him. dictated. ]

'Tis the season.

[ a small sigh; he sounds... relaxed, if not cheerful ]

I'm reminded of Hogwarts.

[ ooc; so much for just one or two people XD COME GET YOUR KISSES PEOPLE ♥ journal post as well, of course. P.S. when i stop replying it means i'm gone o/ ]

albus dumbledore

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