
Dec 04, 2009 14:36

[For the past few days, there's been that delicious baking-cookie smell coming out of the kitchen, but today it's rather overwhelmingly the scent of one specific cookie: gingerbread. Slabs of gingerbread for making a huge gingerbread house are around and being set up into a mansion - for someone eight inches tall.

Said little guy, the hologram, is inspecting it and offering suggestions.]

This wall needs more support, as it is a load-bearing wall.

Right. You think candy canes, or just licorice with extra icing?

Both, alternating.

Right. [And York selects the proper ingredients from a table dedicated solely to bits of candy and squeeze tubes of different colors of icing - you have to be prepared!

There are also a few trays of plain gingerbread men if anyone wants to decorate something they can actually eat without getting yelled at, and a few hunks of gingerbread with a triple-ginger dipping sauce for the lazy.

Come on in! Help him decorate, eat some cookies, or just watch a grown man act like a little kid. Just don't mess up the parts that are already finished or you risk getting your face dunked in icing - which is not actually as fun as it sounds.]

delta, freelancer york

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