[ Private ]
[ dictated ]
UGH, this stupid castle!! There are so many idiots and weirdos and straight men here who don't do anything, and evil guys, and crazy idiots, and of all those people, you...
[ kicks something :| ]
Why... did you have to send Kuma-chan and Zazie-chan home?!
Hn, I really hate this castle sometimes.
[ 'Hime ]
[ worried, but trying to sound cheerful ]
'Hiiiime! I haven't heard from you in such a long time. You've been too quiet! Are you still here? You better be! If I don't get an answer, I'm coming to hunt you down~♥
[ sniff sniff ]
I just went across the hall to visit Zazie-chan... and her nameplate is gone. So, I guess that means she's gone. So soon after Kuma-chan, too.
[ sniff ]
What does this stupid castle have against good-looking redheads, anyway?!
[ stop. pause ]
...Hm. Does that mean I'm going home soon, too?
[ ooc; tags will be slow :< ]