Nov 06, 2009 08:29
[You know how this goes, Paradisa. There's a rustling of sheets, a few sleepy murmurs, and a very long yawn as Apollo sits up in bed, rubbing at his eyes. It takes him a second of sitting there, smacking his lips, but...hadn't he fallen asleep in his suit, at his desk? He'd been finishing up the Tobaye paperwork, and now he was...
Somewhere else. Luxuriant. In a big bed. Apollo stiffens, shoulders going rigid. Holy shit, had he...been kidnapped? He opens his mouth and says the first thing intelligent thing to come to mind.]
Wh-what the...
H-HOLD IT! What the heck is going on here?!
[He ends up cutting himself off with a hacking cough, grasping at his throat as he bolts straight out of bed, mind whirling. Still dressed, no visible injuries, he...oh god. What the heck was going on here?]
apollo justice