Jul 16, 2006 10:21

So. In light of various things being brought up, I'd like to get a few points straightened out here. This may end up being blunt, so I apologize in advance.

1) I work forty hours a week. (SO TOUGH I know, but I am a wimp who has never done this before.) As a result, I do not have nearly as much time for spammage as I used to. This makes me incredibly sad. D: It should, however, pick back up again in about three weeks, when I get to quit my job and go back to college.

2) I am narcoleptic. ... yes, this seriously does run in my family. Work's been exacerbating it to ridiculous levels, as I'm sure most of the chan can tell you! I tend to need naps during the day, and I am extremely good at passing out on you if it's past 11 PM EST. Please don't take offense if this happens during one of our threads. Just email me or PM me about it and we'll pick it up in the morning.

3) I cannot continue every single thread I am in, most of the time. I love RPing with everyone, and I would never ever say "plz don't jump on me guyz D:" 'cause. That sucks. But please don't be offended if I lose interest or get distracted away from a thread. I have, on average, five to ten threads going on simultaneously, over multiple journals. It is very easy to lose a thread somewhere in there. If you'd like to continue it and it looks like I've forgotten you, please don't hesitate to PM or email me about it.

4) IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE OUT A SPECIFIC CHARACTER, ASK ME. Seriously. I do not bite. My characters tend to take turns being in the "primary" slot. It was Ishida for the longest time; right now, it tends to flip-flop between Mal and Roxas. This is not because I hate everyone that Ishida used to interact with. It's because I often have limited energy to RP with and thus gravitate towards the characters who are easiest to play at that particular moment. If you'd like me to pull out so-and-so, all you have to do is ask. I will gladly oblige.

(The one exception to this rule is that I will sometimes not want to get involved if your character is a) doing a transformation that will require a lot of energy from my character or b) being emo in a way that will require a lot of energy from my character. If you want to play one of these things, I may turn you down; however, it still isn't personal. It just means I'm tired.)

5) DON'T SNIPE AT THE PEOPLE I RP REGULARLY WITH. This includes canon buddies, not-canon strong relationships, new spamming partners, etc. There is nothing that will make me grumpier than you picking on someone I just happen to be spending a lot of time with at the moment. If you have a problem with me, TAKE IT UP WITH ME. (the caps-lock of truth cannot lie!) And for the love of god, direct confrontation is fine. Don't beat around the bush, please? Just tell me. I can't read your mind.

6) ... now that I'm done being a bitch, here's the real purpose for this post! If there's something you particularly want to do with any of my characters, please please drop me a line right here. I prefer email and PM (well -- maybe not email, 'cause I am a horrible whore at actually replying (hi Simon-mun 8D;)), but if you can't catch me with either, here's good too. Just talk to me! We'll work something out.

For reference, I can be contacted thusly:

Email: ishidaaaugh [AT] gmail dot com
IRC: Usually I'm on as Roxas; Mal and Ishida are also common.
AIM: matahari damancy OR fulmetalhalfpint

Thank you for listening. ♥
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