Drabble Series #3

Jun 02, 2011 17:17

Title: Of Heechul and High Heels
Pairing: Friendship! Heechul/Donghae
Genre: Crack
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 197
Summary: Why walking in heels is worth it.
A/N: For the prompt “Heels”

“I don’t get how girls can walk around in these all day. It’s crazy and mad ass painful.” Heechul complained loudly as he stumbled clumsily into the room.

Donghae looked up and started laughing at the sight of Heechul in heels. Neon yellow stilettos no less.

“Hyung. Where on earth did you managed to get yellow heels? I remembered distinctively that you were whooping with joy when you threw those shoes away the moment SS3 was over. Vowing that you will never want to wear anything like that ever again.” He said with barely suppressed laughter.

Heechul glared at Donghae before smirking. “I wanted to see why girls are so obsessed over shoes. Now I get why. It’s meant to tower over people like you. Not that I needed any help to begin with. I’m already taller than you. You’re such a tiny speck from up here. Better go find yourself more milk.”

With that, Heechul sashayed towards the door. He stopped mid-way, turned around and said lightly “Oh wait. You can’t grow any taller anymore. Oops.”

Donghae could only gaped as he watched Heechul strutted his way out of the room, working those high high heels.

Title: Personal Space? What Personal Space?
Pairing: Friendship! Ryeowook/Henry
Genre: G
Rating: Crack
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 233
Summary: The story of how Super Junior took over Henry's personal space.
A/N: For the prompt "Space".

One thing that freaked Henry out the most was the diminished personal space he had when he started living with Super Junior during the Don Don promotion.

When yet another member of Super Junior smacked his ass for the thousandth time, he snapped.

"Hyung! Why must everyone smack my ass everytime they talked to me or compliment me or whatever?!" Henry complained loudly, tone reverberated with exasperation.

Ryeowook quirked his eyebrows. "Henli-ah. Everyone does that because they love you. They're worried about you and do this to remind you that despite what everyone else says, WE love you. And that's what counts."

Henry was flustered but still protested. "But hyung. Where I come from, we have something called Personal Space. You guys are making me feel uncomfortable everytime you smack me." He said, almost pleadingly.

Ryeowook said nothing. He just silently walked up and stood face-to-face to Henry.

Henry looked up, eyes hopeful. He thought he had finally got through to someone when Ryeowook reached out....

....and pinched his cheeks.

"Henli-ah! Your cheeks get puffier when you pout like that. It's so adorable! Wait till I tell everyone else." Ryeowook said with a squeal.

And that's the story of how Super Junior had stopped trespassing into his personal space by smacking his ass. And started destroying what's left of his tiny personal space by pinching his cheeks every chance they got.


A/N: So I had the sudden urge of finding a pair of neon yellow shoes and found this pair of Christian Louboutins and this AAAAND this. Though I still need to muster enough self-confidence to be able to work them /sigh

Henry's predicament came from this video from Super Junior Full House about personal space (obviously the lesson was completely forgotten when Henry came along 8D) and Henry's appearance on Strong Heart.

The prompts for these 2 drabbles are from the same batch as the Fluff-themed drabbles. I ran out of fluff ideas by then. And the "Heels" drabble basically wrote itself. So I decided to turn "Space" into a crack drabble as well 8D

Comments and Feedback are loved! ^ ^

!challenge: monday prompts, p: ryeowook/henry, l: drabble, g: crack, c: heechul, c: donghae, c: ryeowook, g: friendship, p: heechul/donghae, c: henry

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