Title: Three Times Yesung Misunderstood and the One Time of Perfect Clarity
Pairing: Yesung/Henry
Genre: Crack/Friendship
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Summary: Having language barriers isn't supposed to be this hard.
A/N: An incredibly overdue birthday gift for
kendayawind. I'm sorry it took so long! :( Partly inspired by
Yesung was busy scouring the internet for a birthday gift for Donghae. )
Comments 34
This is overdue but I hope you still like it anyway! ^^
Henry & Yesung!
-Shall comment better once I read it entirely <3-
I absolutely loved that episode, especially how the other members just started hiding behind chairs acting all embarrassed. Poor Henry though, what incidents he must have landed himself in because of it ^^;;.
Still, this was so sweet and cute to read, loved how his lines tied into the story and just made me happy ^^!
It's okay on the overdue part. I understand and am happy about the story nonetheless! Love my birthday present :) I know I have so many "odd" pairings I enjoy, and am glad to have a rare pair partner that enjoys them just as much!
I'm glad you love it! I wasn't too sure about it in the end (read: editing crack way too often) but it worked out nicely in the end. Oh you're not going to get rid of this rare pair partner any time soon ;)
(The comment has been removed)
The Kihyun is for you ^^ I was planning to make a Kisung, but you were talking about wanting Kihyun so I changed it in the end/
I want to carry all of them in my pocket. Not just Yesung and Henry ;)
You know I will ♥
yesung/henry is so cute, and this is even cuter.
Thanks for taking time to read and comment! ♥
I love any rarepair fic and I love any pairing with Henry!
You're so welcome ! Thank you for writing !
I try my best with the rare pairs. When you want something, you just gotta write them yourselves sometimes LOL
I really like this though~~ something so heartbreaking yet it brought all of SJ closer, to each other and to Henry and Mimi ^^
(I was also thoroughly amused by Henry's immediate correction of his name XD)
Thanks for sharing :D
I always felt SJ is SJ because of all the pains and hardships they've been through. Fundamentally, they're not exactly the happiest people in the world. But they're all in each other's good hands :)
At least Yesung got it right in the end xD
Thanks for taking time to read and comment! ♥
Exactly~~~ gosh that's like the most perfect way to describe it xD ^^
Yes, at least he did in the end ahahaha :D
Thank you! SJ holds a special place inside that's for sure ^^
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