Hello and welcome to the grand opening of Paradigm Matter! This little project of mine has been something I have wanted to work on for some time now. I noticed that I have a tendency to find many random things when I wander around the internet, and I figured it was time I made a place to share them all with you.
I know there really isn't anything here at the moment. I am still working on a few details with the layout and such. Also, my ever so wonderful friend,
booknerdguru, has volunteered to make a header for me, so I am really looking forward to working with her on that.
Moving on to what this journal is for, I leave you with a few videos I found amusing. (^^)
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I also found this article back in early June, but there is just something about the idea of
a video game that may help fight cancer that amuses me.
Well, that's it for now. Until next time, later days!