Jun 05, 2008 00:25
Another good weekend. Not the one i was expecting, but so it goes.
The past few days we have had some Weather- of the Cats and Dogs variety.
After a booming night at the tavern I got my 4 hours before getting up for camping/fishing. It was only mike matt and I, but thats just as well. We made it down there, and after a small mud adventure settled down to some good fishing. For me, it was the best fishing ever as i caght my biggest fish and we caught enough worthy fish to be choosy. We also withstood a few rainstorms, till our good sense prevailed and we hightailed it out of there before the big downpour. Ok, so no camping- but i was more for the fish anyway. We got to mike- grilled up food and feasted. And beer. Got to give my gift to Gabriel. A good day.
Sunday, being an unexpectedly free day, i spent it in activity with the singing swordswoman. It was looking like we wouldn't get to do anything for a bit due to schedules, we managed to snag some time to explore new terrain.
Tuesday night I got to go to Shanty Sing at the Royal Mile with both the singing swordswoman and gothy piratess. Again it took for ever to get a seat, but got to play in the rain a bit with them. Always enchanting. I got to sing twice- and impressed some of the old guard. I got many complements, some from mighty singers themselves. Awesome.
I missed the Blackbeard festival- maybe next year. Although it was good to have some clean up time, catch up on a few things.
This weekend is faefest, and Pirate Beach Trip! Although there is some flux on the horizon- time to make a gambit soon. When is the question of course.
After that, maybe Long Island Pirate Festival weekend, then a grab bag weekend with Solstice, Fetish Club, and maybe even some fruit picking. Starting to plan into July- looking good.
Though i have a lot of big things, im going to need ot carve some time for some little, yet important stuff. That has to be done on weekends.