May 02, 2012 09:36
I love PC games. It's what I do instead of watching television. I should probably paint more and get more exercise, but let's not go there.
This year, and even this month are shaping up to be epic in terms of games I want to play. I haven't had so much to look forward to in a long time.
First off, of course, there is Mists of Panderia, the next WoW expansion. Yes, I'm still addicted to WoW after all these years. I dabbled in EverQuest II (two attempts, both lasted a few days before I hated it). I tried Rift (lasted a couple months before BORED). I even tried SWTOR (Couldn't muster the will to play after a couple months, cancelled). I will obviously be playing a panda. Probably a girl. They're hot and curvy. Don't judge me.
TERA has its U.S. release this month. I've tried the beta. It's another MMORPG, of course, so I will constantly be comparing it to the gold standard of WoW. Unavoidable. The combat mechanics are very different, however. I'm not sure it will be enough to make me want to play it. I mean, besides the fact that I can be a bunny, which is certainly a plus. They have gone out of their way to make combat be about skill, since you're actually expected to *aim*. I plan to wait a bit before I decide to buy it, to see what my friends who are playing it feel about the release version.
Diablo 3 releases this month. I'll obviously be buying this. I've played through the beta quest about 10 times now. It reminds me very much of Torchlight, which is funny since Torchlight was made by some guys who worked on Diablo 1. Full circle there.
Speaking of which, Torchlight 2 releases this summer. I never did finish Torchlight 1 for some reason. Maybe I should go back and do that.
I keep saying that I want a turn-based space 4X strategy game to inherit the mantle of Master of Orion (which Master of Orion 3 failed miserably to accomplish), and Endless Space (release this summer?) may do it. I hope this is the one. The development team seems like they get it, and it doesn't seem like vaporware. But I've thought those things before. I will probably still buy it when it comes out.
Speaking of 4X turn-based strategy, I keep playing Master of Magic using DOSBox and now it looks like there might be a successor coming. Angelo sent me the link, and then a bunch of other friends did too (and Steam highlighted it for me because it knows what I like). Warlock: Master of the Arcane releases this weekend. The hex-grid map and icons look like a hilariously transparent ripoff of Civ 5, but I will reserve judgement until I've played it, because it could be awesome.
I'll also include Legend of Grimrock in the list, even though it released a couple of weeks ago and I am currently playing it. And enjoying the hell out of it. It's a modern-day Dungeon Master, more or less, but with a lot more secrets and diabolical puzzles.
I like the new trend in PC gaming. Lots of little indy companies releasing stuff I want to play on Steam. It's like the golden age of the 80s is coming back. I mean, hell, Wasteland 2 kickstarter made its goal in what, two days?