One of those quizzy things...

Nov 30, 2005 10:35

You all know I never do this sort of thing, but it just seemed fun this morning...

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) How tall is agirlofglass? 5' 8" or 9" but much taller now that she's finished NaNoWriMo!
2) If reynai was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Those who interrupt the Muse!
3) How many monkeys could agirlofglass fight at once and win against? She wouldn't fight a monkey unless he touched her bunny!
4) What is fancy1's biggest flaw? She doesn't see us often enough.
5) Is reynai friends with amalieanthea? I don't know...
6) What is crankyoldgoat's favorite band/artist? I don't know. Garry, you tell us!
7) Would amalieanthea be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate mama all the way!
8) Is felicity_chan related to reynai? Why, I don't think so.
9) What rank would indigokittish have in a giant robot army? Lori, a mere robot? Never!
10) Could you see baldbeasty and acoma1 together? Not as long as silverbriar11) What do you agree with fancy1 about? My icon is fun; it just needs to move.
12) Does blzbob have a big secret? His retirement is so remote because he's really a double agent of some kind and he's in the witness protection program. (If this is true, I swear I didn't know!)
13) What mental disorder does amalieanthea remind you of? Motherhood -- ya gotta be crazy to bring up kids today!
14) Is baldbeasty a college student? Perpetually...
15) Would zaapiel and indigokittish make a good couple? Not while Lori's married!
16) What would amalieanthea give kiwi_juggler for his/her birthday? Two Barbarians to juggle for the day!
17) How would kiwi_juggler conquer the world? She'd keep all the balls in the air!
18) What exotic animal would kiwi_juggler like as a pet? A Galapagos tortoise.
19) If legi0n commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Everyone who knows him, and seph_ski would lead the charge!
20) Would you wrestle indigokittish in jello? *gasp* Why, the very idea! (poor thing)
21) Thoughts on mediocredeity? May she be satisfied in her search for the deity that is higher than she.
22) Is agirlofglass 1337? If she is, she didn't invite me to her eleventy-first birthday party...
23) If acoma1 and fancy1 were spliced together, what would be its name? Either Sir Paul or Squire James
24) One thing you can't stand about acoma1? Haven't been around her enough to know -- we'll just have to fix that!
25) Is fancy1 a nerd? Of course -- aren't we all?
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