a bookshelf sinks into the sand

May 02, 2005 09:31

I think the crabby hands are going to be coming out soon. we'll see how the day progresses. rah rah rah. there is just no thought suficient enough going on over here. I need a nap and a coffee and a movie break. I watched se7en the other day and i changed my mind from misery to se7en as being the scariest movie i know. Just because of the social aspects of the film, it really made me scared to be living here. Things seem so terrible sometimes. I decontructed my shoe and the result is some weird hard stained plastic from the heel area. I bet they could put computer chips in our shoes and track our moves becasue everyone needs to buy shoes. In se7en the government flagged controversial books and had lists of people who took them out. creepy. so note to self don't rent alice in wonderland or anything. i really want to rent alice in wonderland. i can't wait to bike to the library and take out non research related books. not that i mind research, i was just so stoked about it a couple days ago and now i am impassioned. it goes on and on and ond
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