Jun 02, 2005 00:48
i have no friends in this city. it's ridiculous. the high school crew has completely dissipated. in fact, when i'm here, i get together with the people i know from other cities. bleh.
i love toronto but it's harder living here now that i've lived on my own so long. i'm used to my space. and i'm used to being a walk away from everything. i never have the car here and it's hard to get around 'cause we live in the burbs.
i have a horrendous amount of homework every night. and i start doing it at the stupidest times like one AM. goodness, what is wrong with me. my dad got a new laptop. mm. it's sooo nice to type on. i love laptop keyboards. i want to stay here and type forever even when i run out of things to say because it's just so much fun.
upon realizing that i have no space for the clothes and such that i brought back except for inside the luggage itself, i decided to empty out my closets. i made three huge garbage bags of clothes. mind you, some of it was from as far back as grade three (not much, but some). i just don't have the heart to give some of it away. for example, my mickey mouse t-shirt brings back memories of Disney World (that was actually in grade two). then the new york t-shirt (grade five) -- which was the first time my parents went away without us. they went to new york for a whole week while my brother and i stayed with my grandparents. my teddy-bear nightie!!! god i loved that nightie. it's so worn. i could never give that away. it's just SO ME (as a child). if someone asked what a six-year-old farah was like, i'd show them the nightie.
um. how did i get on this train of thought? i never come here with a purpose. it's just to write and write and etc.
anyway. love being at home. summer is never summer without being at home. last summer just didn't feel right. i love the sounds of home. they constitute the combined noise of the air conditioning (we have an especially noisy one), the echoes of cars against the trees outside, the sound of the wind through the leaves, the neighbour's pool and the noise of the machines that accompany it, and the echoes/creeks of our house. and who can forget the bugs. i love crickets.
hm. one oh three am. i guess that's more than enough procrastinating. urgh. stupid homework. guess i won't be finishing it. again.