Oct 08, 2024 14:35
The sun is out, the sky is blue, the temperature is slightly up again. I got to sleep in because I no longer have to work.
Yesterday was an emotional day, and when we had our last team call, I could see my coworker starting to tear up at the end, and I pretty much did right then, too, so I guess we all started bawling a bit as soon as we left the call. I am pretty sure that we will go our separate ways from now on, although I do hope that I'll meet up once in a while with the one I went to Magdeburg with earlier this year.
I wrote a longish goodbye message to the whole company even though most don't know me and even though hardly anybody from my department has ever cared to say goodbye through that particular channel, but I must have hit a nerve. I was showered with hearts (70 hearts and 2 crying emojis when I signed off), and a couple of people even reached out to me. Two of them I didn't even know personally; one said she doesn't know me but loved reading my message (I really should use the time to write more, I guess), the other one quoted a sentence I wrote in which I pointed out that I didn't just want to leave without letting everybody know I'm gone, something that so many do. THIS.
It doesn't really feel like I'm done yet, either, because there was so so much to still take care of. At some point I just had to go "whatever" and leave it be. As far as using the work computer, that point was midnight. I am still employed, but I am not required/supposed to work anymore and am supposed to return everything now (appointment is tomorrow), so I don't wanna risk my money by giving them anything to hold against me should they want to. I did spend way too much time at night sorting the stuff from my locker. The main reason why that sucks is that I got to bed so late, was in need of sleeping in, and don't have any clue yet how to best utilize these sunshine hours while they last. My mind had been too occupied.
In the end I might end up by the river, as usual. I'm a little peeved that the weather forecast lists rain for all the evenings in the middle of this week, but I think I'll still head out to the Festival of Lights after dark tonight, even if it means I'll go in the rain for the first time ever. Not sure how that's gonna work out, but last time I checked I would have to wait until Friday otherwise, and that's just a big no. So I can't really do too much this afternoon anyway, or I'll be sore before I even make it to the first illumination tonight.
OK then. Let's make this jobless time count!
i need a job tag,