I somehow don't like technology these days. I just quickly decided to go type a quick entry even though I'm dead tired, just to discover that the laptop battery was dead. So I haven't been on my laptop for a month, so what?! The damn thing was turned off, why can't it hold it battery that long?
Oh, and I eventually decided last weekend that I should really do a backup of my photos off my cameras and other stuff, just to discover that most of the photos are no longer on my phone's internal memory (or whatever that's called). I never allowed it to delete anything.
Add to that that I seem to get kicked out of the very same work meeting every week now, and you'll get the point.
The reason I'm writing: I've kind of told myself I should go shopping at some point. After all there are a few things I could use having. Then the Tour was on (it was pretty exciting this year, too, and indeed as tough as it was advertised), so 4 weekends in a row were blocked. Which made this Saturday the perfect occasion. For one because I have time, for two because the weather no longer suggests spending an afternoon outdoors with my novel, for three because my friend the actress's birthday is next week and I should watch out for a gift. I still have hers for last year standing on my kitchen table ... Because I canceled on her restaurant thing here in Berlin when I thought she'd be in Hamburg, and then I didn't bring it to Hamburg because I didn't think she'd celebrate, and because I still haven't been to her place and didn't bring it along to the occasions where we did meet since then. Side note: I did not go to her musical performance. I was so stressed out from the overtime at work, needed a rest, and eventually figured that it's not worth stressing over this if my friend doesn't even respond to either my question if she's appearing in all of the event dates or the good luck message I sent for her premiere (yeah, it was sent during the premiere because I forgot during work that I had intended to text her ...). Long story short, she knows that I bought a little something last year that I wanted to give her, so I think it's better if I get something extra in order to not seem stingy and uncreative. (I didn't really have much options during my spontaneous birthday shopping spree last year, so I bought ... a cereal bowl. It's dang pretty, I would use it myself. And two amazing magnets, which I also love.)
So here's the thing: I'm no longer sure I want to go shopping tomorrow. Even though the last four weeks (coincidentally since the Tour started, thanks Tour!) have been overall more relaxing at work and I got lots of chances to leave early, I'm super exhausted from this past week. I had to get up early 4 out of 5 days, and today in particular it was a shock when the alarm woke me. I mostly haven't recovered from that yet. So I definitely want to sleep in, and we all know how that works out for me most of the time. Then there also might be thunderstorms tomorrow, which is suddenly bothering me even though I thought beforehand that I can go to the mall if it's raining. Only I might not be going only to a mall, but to Alexanderplatz. And I'm not keen on going there all of a sudden. Maybe because so many people called in sick this week, and the Covid numbers are slightly rising again. My subconscious is triggered. What's more: I checked the train website because you never know with Berlin's public transport, and sure as hell the journey will be more complicated than usual. (Note that I'm still writing "will," not "would.")
Most importantly, though: the main reason for doing the shopping trip this weekend instead of maybe next is the chance of finding a nice birthday gift, although I'm lacking inspiration again this year. BUT: I don't even know yet if there'll be a get-together of sorts. My friend mentioned at our Easter get-together that she'll be in Berlin for her birthday. She's currently on vacation, though, posting ocean stories on social media, which makes me long for the ocean, too. I have no clue when she's returning and if the plan still has her in Berlin. I suppose she'll inform me by Monday or Tuesday if she'll be around and so something where she wants me part of. But if not, what's the point of rushing off tomorrow? See my brain working its magic?
OK, it already got way too late. So here are a few more quick bullet points:
- I've been watching lots of movies lately and came across Tilman Pörzgen in one of them, then checked his filmography and noticed I had two more movies with him on my hard drive, so I treated myself to some of his cuteness. Yeah he's too young, but a girl can admire the cuteness, can't she? I fell a little for that face of his. Think Wincent Weiss. Think Tom Holland. That kind of sweet face.
- I finally watched the Subwoolfer documentary (remember that Eurovision song "Give That Wolf A Banana" from last year?) half an hour ago and it was a BLAST.
- I've been planning on writing a Eurovision entry for 2.5 months. Not now.
- I have neglected writing overall, although I have that line about that piece of the puzzle stuck in my head. Also although I discovered a ring around a coworker's finger in April which indicates he got married and I had no clue and I told myself that this is something I had better dwell on in a poem than here.
- My cousin is expecting! :0D I found out about two weeks ago and got pretty excited because it felt like she's the first in the family of my generation to have a child. Which I quickly realized is far from the truth, although the percentage of children my numerous cousins (and I) have is strikingly low. (If you want to know: we're 15 biologically related cousins where 3 have a total of 4 kids that I know of. Most of whom I've never seen/seen once/only seen in photos.)
PS: I fooled myself with that title. I thought I could make it quick if I just wrote it in the title. How wrong I was.