Vanessa, wonderful Vanessa. How I was looking forward to you and your perspective on things! And you didn't disappoint! So, so good to have you back! :0)
Also, Ingo quoting something again yesterday. What was it again? I just remember I freaked out. LOL
BTW, I loved the scene at the fry stand yesterday. How Vanessa said that she was in love with the groom the last time she was maid of honor, and how Isabelle was all, "Well, this can't happen this time since your brother is the groom," AND HOW ANNETTE AND INGO NEARLY SPILLED THEIR DRINKS. *g* I can't believe Ben hasn't told her. I can't believe he's marrying someone and hasn't even confessed to her that his first love ever was the one who then turned out to be his sister.
BTW again, it wasn't all that weird seeing Vanessa and Ben together even though he is now a different actor. In fact, this makes it easier to believe that he really is over her and in love with someone else.
Speaking of which, the Darcys. <3 I just love the tension and the suspense these days, leading up the big move (I think it's tonight?). The scene when she wanted to kill him? Loved the music. Loved his reaction. I was just somewhat disappointed that all she could think of was how she almost went overboard to kill her brother. I was hoping she'd be more appalled that he would have died for her, but instead, she was all me me me.
Still love Mia/Enrique. His expressions are sometimes overwhelming (though I'm sometimes struggling with his voice - which sounds lovely, but a little staged in some situations).
Oh yeah, and when Axel cried? That was to die for. I just wanted to hug him. His desperation was so real! Many people cried last week, and with most you could tell that they had gotten this stuff into their eyes. Didn't look real at all. But Axel ... *sigh*
ETA: The Eskimo Kiss Project is always so useful - the quote was from "Wadde hadde dudde da." LOL