(no subject)

Jan 19, 2008 13:35

Giddy-up, giddy-up, giddy-up, let's go -
The weasel's gonna blow...!

...you kiddin' me? I love this season. 'nways.


Nominate yerself, yer hernia, yer fairy Godmother, and other bitches. Ye got two days to pull this shit, because fuck me if I'll be bothered with countin' after you stooges. So, uch, get startin'.

Kay, we still set for t'morrow? Honourable Paulie presidin'. Yenno, I kinda want me a hangover right now just to get the Hammer Girl in double vision...

[ooc: please have your characters nominate those people that they would ICly be inclined to; at the same time, I would like to ask that all nominations be cleared with the players of the characters herein nominated. Please don't nominate someone unless you know for sure they'd not mind if if their character won!]

warden nominations

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