(no subject)

Mar 02, 2008 16:36

Awwwww, c'mon Boss, do I hafta?!

I mean, Jesus, job ain't what it used ta be, yenno? Schmucks, I'm tellin' ye, if ye getting hooked with some capitalist lord o' wonders? Damn well be makin' sure to fucking ogle that small print, cause otherwise?



Aw, Boss, did I gotta get the emblem too? Jeez, not the emblem... fuck me... blimey, Mouse, what the hell you doin' by my ass? Is that - that - sweetheart, for hell's sake, you rub oil into a man, bloody well make'im feel good --

...can't believe this... ah well, least gettin' outta this joint.

[ooc: ...as per Ferocia's orders, Paulie is a hawter-than-hawt and Very Fierce Indeed red Ferrari. He'll serve as Ferocia's ride out of the City, and 'lo and behold, not be heard from aaagaaaaaaaaaaaain ~ ! ]

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