Title: You Get Angry (I Turn Black & Blue)
deadflowers5Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Supernatural/Leverage
Pairing: Dean/Eliot, past Eliot/Hardison
Word count: 16000~
Summary: Eliot loves Dean, he really does, but if love hurts this bad, then he figures he’s really better off without it…
A collection of moments during one year of Eliot’s life. He meets Dean, falls head over heels, goes to hell, comes back and realises that just because you love someone, doesn’t mean it’s enough to make them stop hurting you, or stop you from hurting them. Sometimes, you just have to take the memories, and get out while you can.
Warning: Abuse, alcoholism, graphic sex, not-quite-character death (in true Supernatural fashion)
Chapter One|
Chapter Two|
Chapter Three|