I absolutely love Hendrikson, and feel like there should be more fic with him in it. My only thing is that I also absolutely love Dean, and I love Dean in very messed up relationships. Would you be including any secondary pairings? I think it would be awesome to have Hendrikson's POV on Sam and Dean's "erotically co-dependent [to quote Zacharia]" relationship, or Dean's unrequited love for Cas. (Feel free to ignore me).
I also like idea number three, mainly because it focuses on a very messed up Dean. It kind of reminds me of Sam in The Mystery Spot, hunting and killing whatever he can get his hands on because he has no idea how to do anything else. I think there's a lot of material for you to play with.
Last year's BB also sounds interesting, but you'll have to tell me why Dean's in Westchester, and I'd love to here more about the Spirit Walker idea. Also, Jimmy! I've developed a very strange love for him while working on my crossbigbang, and I've got a few people I could pimp that to.
I'll have to throw out a vote for nine, too, just because I love Jensen. He is so very, very pretty.
Well, my Henricksen's looking like a popular choice, which is good, because I <3 him. As for Dean in messed up relationships, I am SO with you on that. *squashes Dean/Henricksen bunny* Some unrequited and oh-so-angsty Dean/Cas could possibly be mixed into it though ¬¬ Yeah, that's exactly what I think it would be like, and sort of like robo!Sam from season six, or John Winchester after Mary's death. Lots of opportunity for some nice self loathing in there, with possibly a little bit of plot. I haven't decided yet. Well, Dean's in Westchester because that's the closest stable base of spirit walkers is, and he needs to be in a community, at least at first. The community is in Westchester because I'm a huge nerd, and that's where Xavier's school was in X-Men. Just an amusing (to me) inside joke. A little background on spirits walkers and whatnot. It's native american orientated, and it's based around a central figure, Hotah, who was the first spirit walker. Now they regard him as somewhat of a God. A spirit walker is someone who can percieve their soul and transform into it. Each person's soul is an animal, and there are, I think... 13 different "tribes" of animal that their soul will be, therefore 13 different communities, each with a leader. This leader then becomes a council of sorts for the Awahili Dili(s), who are special, more powerful spirit walkers whose soul is constantly changing based on emotion, and, later on, conscious thought. They (sort of) form a working community that the outside world is not entirely aware of. I think that's the rough basics, this baby took a LOT of planning, and I have notebooks full of stuff xD Yes. Jensen is very very pretty <3
And all this talk of the spirit walker fic is making me miss it. Because I'm so nice, I'm just about to post the first chunk, as a teaser. God knows when I'll get to update the rest though xD
I also like idea number three, mainly because it focuses on a very messed up Dean. It kind of reminds me of Sam in The Mystery Spot, hunting and killing whatever he can get his hands on because he has no idea how to do anything else. I think there's a lot of material for you to play with.
Last year's BB also sounds interesting, but you'll have to tell me why Dean's in Westchester, and I'd love to here more about the Spirit Walker idea. Also, Jimmy! I've developed a very strange love for him while working on my crossbigbang, and I've got a few people I could pimp that to.
I'll have to throw out a vote for nine, too, just because I love Jensen. He is so very, very pretty.
Hope this helps a little.
Yeah, that's exactly what I think it would be like, and sort of like robo!Sam from season six, or John Winchester after Mary's death. Lots of opportunity for some nice self loathing in there, with possibly a little bit of plot. I haven't decided yet.
Well, Dean's in Westchester because that's the closest stable base of spirit walkers is, and he needs to be in a community, at least at first. The community is in Westchester because I'm a huge nerd, and that's where Xavier's school was in X-Men. Just an amusing (to me) inside joke. A little background on spirits walkers and whatnot. It's native american orientated, and it's based around a central figure, Hotah, who was the first spirit walker. Now they regard him as somewhat of a God. A spirit walker is someone who can percieve their soul and transform into it. Each person's soul is an animal, and there are, I think... 13 different "tribes" of animal that their soul will be, therefore 13 different communities, each with a leader. This leader then becomes a council of sorts for the Awahili Dili(s), who are special, more powerful spirit walkers whose soul is constantly changing based on emotion, and, later on, conscious thought. They (sort of) form a working community that the outside world is not entirely aware of.
I think that's the rough basics, this baby took a LOT of planning, and I have notebooks full of stuff xD
Yes. Jensen is very very pretty <3
And all this talk of the spirit walker fic is making me miss it. Because I'm so nice, I'm just about to post the first chunk, as a teaser. God knows when I'll get to update the rest though xD
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