So, figured I would use here to wib about big bang stuff, seeing as you'll see the finished products :D
First Big Bangs due, for which I have the summaries for my fics are both from
rpf_big_bang. One of them I have some semblance of art for, so I'm ok there. The other, I'm attempted something overly complicated, and don't even have a rough draft of anything yet.
Second Big Bang is the Leverage big bang for which I need to claim a summary for. That's not too stressful yet.
Third big bang is the one I'm mostly freaking about.
inception_bang somehow coerced me into signing up for both fic and art. What the actual fuck? Art, not too stressful, but the fic, I'm stressed like WHOA.
Positive points: I have a plot, a tentative title, and the ending almost completely written, plus 200 words of introduction.
Negative points: I have like, two and a half months to write this thing, which promises to turn into something epic and angsty and soul destroying. Awesome.
Keep watch, there will be more posts about this, getting more stressful as the due date for various bangs gets closer. Meep.