Jan 01, 2007 17:36
Alas, my New Year's Eve plans fell through, so I spent the evening playing games with my sister and her friends as I didn't feel like searching for another party to attend. I also had no alcohol, but that is hardly something to bemoan as December had seen a touch too much inebriation on my part. Though only a touch, and I managed to avoid the often related embarrassments that go along with it. At least I think so.
It's been an interesting December. I finally got my car back after having it in the shop for three weeks. It had been hit while parked on the street downtown. There was serious damage, but it seems to be fully functional once again. So that was fairly annoying to be without my car. Especially as the reward for becoming Employee of the Month is a reserved parking space. Which I was in December and was barely able to use. Pity.
I was hoping that with the passing of the holidays some of the stress would subside, but it hasn't. Not yet anyhow. I still haven't found a balance yet, that spot where I neither feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and adrift with nothing to do. And yet at times I feel both. This hasn't caused any actual problems yet; the despair that accompanies either one of those swings has been manageable and I haven't dropped any balls because of it, merely added stress. Though I've come close to having stuff come crashing down, I've managed to catch it. I just want to stop feeling like I'm going to break everything.
I think a part of it is trying to figure out what is important. What I really need to be spending my time and energy on. I'm not one for resolutions, but this is something that needs work. Am I getting anything out of my time. *chuckle* Now I have dreams of marginal utilities dancing through my head.