i dont want to deal with it anymore. can we please get out of it. lets move on. its pulling us down. breaking us. weakening our relationships.
i need to start reflecting more often. i will work on that. i hate that i have left journaling for so long out of my life.. when it's so important to who i am and who i am becoming.
things aren't the greatest with the housing situation. i don't want to be bitter, but it hurts. i need to become more confrontational, and then just let things go.
this semester has been overwhelming. tough classes and too many outside activities. Tuesday I left the apartment at 8:15 and didn't return until 9:00 that night. Yesterday, I went without deoderant, socks, and food until 5:15 in the afternoon. I'm blessed to have these experiences, but I should take time to enjoy them. I want to be so much.