all from a poster i took down in manhattan this summer. entry public = feel free to link the madness

Sep 15, 2006 23:53

WE THE PEOPLE have become a nation rebelling against God, shamefaced with sin, indifferent to God. These are evil times, with evil people. Rebels who call themselves Americans continue their evil ways from morning to evening and evening to morning, stubbornly putting their fingers in their ears to keep from hearing God's Word.

You call yourself a God-fearing Christian nation when just the opposite is true. You have blatantly turned your back on Me and rejected Me. Prepare to meet your God in judgment. The day of your damnation dawns. Don't point your finger at someone else, and try to pass the blame to them! I, God Almighty, am pointing My finger at you.

Quit laughing and scorning at My blunt warnings and pronouncements of doom. All the sorrow, disaster, confusion, terror, destruction around you is no coincidence. What horrors await you, you shall be brought down to hell. I can and will destroy your greatness until you repent. You shake your head in unbelief and snicker and sneer but your sins are greater than that of Sodom and Gomorrah, and I destroyed them in a moment without the hand of man. You push away all thought of punishment awaiting you, but by your deeds you bring the Day of Judgement near.

How can you, as the greatest country in the world, let one godless woman pull prayer out of schools allowing appalling atheists to make this once godly nation to become a heathen nation Hell-bound? The forefathers of America humbled themselves over 200 years ago and purposed to seek Me with all their hearts and establish America on Godly principles; but today you elect godless leaders who love to argue and fight. No justice is given in courts; the law is not enforced. Men are oppressed and bought off with bribes. The nation's capitol and congress fight with fury to keep America from being godly and living holy lives. The wicked are far outnumbering the righteous and nobody cares.

America is filled with idols, lewdness and extortion is everywhere. You fill your brains and veins with drugs galore. You swear and lie and kill and steal - you can't go into the streets or live safely in your homes without danger to your lives. You stagger in drunkenness partying your lives away. You stand numb, naked in all your nudity and pornography exploiting your bodies, but selling your souls to the devil. It's no big thing for you to jump in bed and make love with whomever you please - Married or single. Diseases and deadly consequences don't even stop your reckless desires. Homosexuals and Lesbians burn with uncontrollable passionate lusts for each other fearing a disease more than God.

Wholesale adultery, fornication, divorce is so common you no longer think of it, but do it as easy as going to a discount department store[1]. Children hate their parents and run away from home. Parents can't stand their kids and abuse them emotionally, physically and even hire other people to raise their kids because they're too busy. Married spouses are at each others throats constantly.

You seek material things to fulfill your greedy, selfish lusts. THe more you hoard, the more unsatisfied you are. The attractions of this world, delights of wealth, search for success, love of nice things, and the cravings for the lifestyles of the rich and the famous [2] come in and crowd out any hope of God reigning in your hearts. Money has become your god and you live and serve for it no matter what price you have to pay. You stamp 'In God We Trust' on your currency - but what an outrageous joke for you trust more in your 'Almighty Dollar' than Me!

How can you kill purposely and not take a bold stand for the millions of innocent babies through abortions each year in cold blooded murder? You claim to be strong and brave but brutally and ruthlessly kill helpless beautiful human beings because they cramp your lifestyle.

America - your time for judgment and punishment is here! I will destroy those who formerly worshiped Me, but no longer do, and those who never loved Me and never wanted to. What does it take to show you how much I love you? [3] I gave My only begotten Son to die on the Cross for you but you mock Me by not caring and going your own stubborn, destructive way. You are Hell-bound because no matter how much love I pour out to you, you keep wallowing in your sin-sicken gutters and messed up lives choosing to go deeper in grosser sin. Your hearts have become calloused and hardened. You no longer hear My warnings - who is listening? THey have angered you and you don't want them at all. Time after time I have warned you trying to rescue you but you don't want to be saved. What will I do when I give My last warning and then pour out My fierce Judgement upon you? What will you say when you stand before me and I remind you how many chances and opportunities I gave you to repent and come back to Me but you wanted to play around in the cesspool you created? Will you finally wake up when I send you to Hell, the place you chose to go?

I have poured out My blessings upon you constantly. I have made you one of the mightiest nations in history and alive today. But no more, for the rest of the world, that once respected and admired America, already curses you. They see your unending filth and how vile you really are. All who see you will shrink back in horror and shock. No one will regret your fate for they see you bound in chains of sin and wickedness. You believe your own lie of how great you are. You have become the laughing stock of the world[4].

You are loaded with riches but you spend it on yourself and sin. YOu waste more than most other countries ever dream to have in abundance. Eight out of ten Americans are overweight in fat, waddling in obesity - never content. You purposely laugh at Me and make your own gods. I have shown you how to receive My salvation but you have blasphemed and said, "I'll save myself my way!" You believe you're religious by constantly listening to all the glamorous, glittering, slick prophets and preachers flooding the radio and TV waves lying to you saying, "Everything is okay! God wants you wealthy, healthy, positive. Don't worry, everything is going to get better - God loves you. He will never send judgement!" These con-artists, false prophets and preachers of devil doctrines seduce you to never let you come to Me by making their man-made, self-centered and indulging religions damn your souls to Hell for eternity!

You are deceived thinking if someone says, "God Bless America" we're a Godly Country. I do love you, but no matter how many times I have loved you, you have become the worst kind of HARLOT there is. You run away from My love and pay whoever you can to prostitute yourself to them.

The only way is to REPENT and ask God to forgive us (individually) of our sins and kneel at the foot of the Cross and make Jesus Lord of our lives and our personal Savior. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is the Way, the Life, the Truth that will set you free. The Statue of Liberty is not your symbol of freedom - it is JESUS CHRIST on Calvary's Cross dying for your sins.

Until YOU and YOU alone REPENT, America is doomed and will continue to get worse and worse with the crushing awesome curse of sin and God's punishment. IF we are so great why can't we humble ourselves and turn away completely from our sins and begin to live Godly and Holy lives unto God Almighty? We, the people of America, must REPENT.


[1] It is from this statement that I deduct the following: God shops at TJ Maxx.
[2] God loves Good Charlotte.
[3] A Rolex watch.
[4] Guess we won't be going to the annual reunion this year round, then, will we?

new yorkyness, awesome stuff, so batshit it should be icelandic, weird stuff, jewjitsu

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