И опять Энтони Роббинс

Dec 20, 2006 21:49

Уже видео - пережатое с ДВД в среднем качестве...

ДВД1: Negotiating Conflict
Сказка о том, как Тони Роббинс помирил злобствующего араба и рохлю-еврея в вечной борьбе за мир прямо на семинаре 11 сентября 2001 года. А самолеты все падали и падали...

(Скачать файл 350 Мб)

Информация к размышлению:

Where were you on September 11, 2001? When you first heard the news of the devastating attack on the World Trade Center, what did you think, feel, and do? Traumatic events tend to trigger the most primal emotional patterns in people - anger, sorrow, despair, grief, vengeance, and rage - causing many to become ineffective, fearful, and unresourceful.

On September 11, 2001, Anthony Robbins was in Hawaii conducting his leadership conference for 2,000 people from 39 countries around the world. More than 50 participants found out that they had lost family members, loved ones, and entire businesses that morning. Diverse emotional responses within the entire group ranged from absolute hopelessness to celebration.

In order to bring together this group of diverse nationalities, religious beliefs, and political convictions, Robbins called upon two volunteers: a New York City Jew, who would have otherwise been in the World Trade Center that day, and a Pakistani Muslim, who identified with the extremists responsible for the attacks. Captured live in this film, the process Robbins used to resolve their conflicts not only created an environment of peace but is now being utilized to impact people around the world.

Сайт Роббинс-Маданес


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