Jul 08, 2003 16:15
At long last I have returned to the home that has not always been mine and will not always be mine but for now it is back in my grasp. I have endured too much and struggled for too much to just simply throw this home away. Today I am being forced to endure a feeling of invincibility. I've always hated those feelings, it usually leads me to do stupid things. But I just can't help but to look towards the future and wonder what will happen next. Even more oddly, I am so fuckin looking foward to it. For too long have I dwelled on the past and used it as a source of fury and hatred. Now there is only the future, full of hopes and dreams. No matter how bad things ever were (and they never wwere that bad, only what I made of it) the future gives me a feeling of power. I don't knwo where this feeling is coming from actually it's just makes me feel like I can do anything and I need to either figure out a way to do anything or get rid of this cursed feeling. That's right fuckerz.