I'm grading papers still. WTF? I was severely late to the festivities today and then my camera died. I need a new camera. I miss having a 35m. :<
So, have crappy pics of the event at Kamigamo Jinja today.
I excel at taking pictures of the back of people's heads, but I cut them just for you.
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Anyhow, do you mind if I friend you? Would be great to read and keep up with what's going on in your life. Looks interesting.
So how do you guys know each other? I'm still busy being flabbergasted by the weirdness of the small world phenomena.
I already told Eleni that you're gold and that she can trust you. By the same token, you must know the same is true of her. She doesn't play games.
And cool about your endorsements of both Eleni and me. I imagine you've heard that we were introduced through another mutual friend, so that was points in her favor. But she does indeed seem very solid and like an all around good person. Still, it's good to have it confirmed. :)
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