May 17, 2009 12:15
Okay anyway, yesterday was a very packed and fun-filled day! Hahaha went to church for recept, cg and meeting with Roy. Love the feeling of being in church every week, its so indescribe-able :) Left at 3 plus to go and meet LP at cine to look for Ellen's birthday present, met Pailin there. Pailin claimed she was special and we would be able to find a gift since she was there with us, hahaha crazy girl. After buying, headed over to Heeren for Ellen's birthday dinner at Shokudo! (LP had to leave :[) It was fun!! Ellen looked so pretty :) Joked around as usual, taking pictures and stuff! OH YES, I HAVE TO SAY THIS. Kayo my dearest bird, fed me WASABI. IT WAS SO SUPER GROSS, IT WAS HOT AND IT TASTED WIERD. Shes so mean >: ( but in that way, I'll remember her for life hahaha. Stupid girl :D After the dinner, Pailin, Kayo and I went to walk around, ran on the streets of orchard road, hahaha! Went to taka, changed the apple computer's wall paper to our faces using photobooth! Hahaha. And home sweet home after that :)
Next week is gonna be good with awesome plans to meet awesome people almost every day! Yay :D And not to forgot, time with LP my awesome puppy :)
Okay, gonna go to church now! Yay:) RED RAIN IS COMING, RED RAIN IS COMING!!
Toodles! :)
[ps. im so excited for my 18th birthday party! haha]