
Mar 31, 2009 19:36

RAWA(biology trip to a faraway island) from last monday to friday was great fun!! Hahaha love it, ultimate madness. I'm so much darker now, my face, arms and legs. Dont like the tan tho, if it was a little lighter it would have been perfecto! hahaha:) There were sharks, sting rays, jelly fish, sea cucumber, sea urchins and many other sea creatures. Nuryul and i kayaked for all 4 days, and we were like in an open sea and we started singing some love songs, we looked like we were lost of love. Funny to the max.
ANYWAY!! When we reached sch on fri afternoon, finally saw mandy and a few others. Whoa mandy became nerdy after nuryul and i were gone for a week, poor thing lol! Missed her!


Went to watch "Coming soon" with sabrina and nuryul today at vivo, IT WAS SO SCARY. I was so prepared to scare Sabrina, but i was too scared to scare her. Hahahahaha nuryul was laughing while sabrina and i were so super afraid. hahahahaha exclaiming after the movie that Chaba(the name of the ghost) was coming, joke. and while we suppose to leave, we saw a stage and a poster saying Jackie Chan will be coming, so we waited so long and we didnt even get proper shots of the other cute guy with Jackie Chan. Hahaha wasted.

Wisdom tooth extraction tmr, God please be with the dentist and give him steady hands.
I'm trying my best to not be afraid. Hahahaha sabrina was like, "hope it wont hurt" hahaha i thought she was comforting me. then she added, "as much".. and since she's alone at home i was nice enough not to scare her lol! I want to be able to talk after that, and sab said laughing and talking are the most vital things in my life, lol! Funnyyyyyyyyyy-ness.

-----FINALLY today,

2 WISDOM TEETH EXTRACTED. AWESOME, NO MORE WISDOM TEETH IN MY MOUTH. Hahahaha I was put to sleep, but the pain when I woke up was, wow bad. Getting better now! Only can remove stitched 7-10 days later, oh boy but the pain should go away after 3-5 days. The drama is over, hahahaha. Blended porridge and blended steamed apple are my best friends now. Ps. my both sides of the mouth are swelled up and i cant bite anything. Joshua said, "eh i tell you, now eat nuts best", ahahahaha annoying. ok despite pain, im so happy that i got over it. HAHAHA.

Nuryul's going back to brunei on Sat, and only coming back on the 4th day of the new term. Awww so im trying my best to go over to her hse on thursday, if i'm better! Hahaha:) Yay:)
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