I don't know why, but it's really fun to say blog...

May 27, 2006 01:42

Well its 1:40 in the morning and I have to finish packing and get on a plane in less than 12 hours. *Sigh* I still can't believe I'm going to Paris, and I KNOW that I'm certainly not ready for it. So why am I writing this when I should be packing? Simple really: Procrastination. Well, that and absolute/utter denile. Tommorrow should be very interesting. At this point I'm not quite sure how I'll react. I figure that A) I'll be too tired to care, B) I'll see the plane and absolutely freak out, or C)I'll freeze up with fear and Catherine will have to drag me on to the plane. (Note: I don't care how many times peoeple tell me that flying really isn't that bad: I'm frickin' terrified of it. If man were meant to fly he'd have wings. Stupid Wright Bros. inventing steel birds of doom and all...) Personally I'm hoping for being too tired to care thing, but I'm not sure that even Dramamin (sp?) could work such wonders.

Anyways, for those of you who don't know, this is my first blog and its mostly for recording the details of my trip to Paris. I'll do my best to update everyday, but honestly I can't make any promises. I really am a horrible procrastinator and I'm quite sure that even two months in Paris can't change the fact that I'll lose total interest in this thing once I've returned. I should also mention that I express my thoughts much more honestly and bluntly in text that I do in real life, so even though it may seem odd, I promise that it really is me writing this stuff. Thus, please forgive all future rants, random comments, and biting sarcasism. Knowing myself, I'll probably look back on this one day and wonder what possesed me to write the things I'll probably write and further still, be utterly horrified that I actually allowed my family and friends to read it. Oh well, there's no use in regretting wasn't hasn't even happened yet even though it is almost certainly inevitable. It's sure not going to help that I'm about to go through a massive culture shock, but C'est la vie.

So, if for some reason I should died in a massive fireball of death tomorrow. I love you guys and just remember that I'll be in a better place. If not, I love you guys and I'll do my best to keep up with this stupid thing. I thank you for all of your support and well wishes, and yes I'll be sure to takes plenty of photos. I'll miss ya'll so don't be shy in posting comments or emailing me.

Talk to ya later,
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