Feb 14, 2008 08:10
Watch it. Love it. Bask in it. You know you want to.
Edit: OMG! I just watched it for a second time, and I've already realized something! At first I just thought it was something in one of my dreams because it was so familiar looking, but then I remembered it in an earlier Indy film. I know they probably won't go fully into that--it's unnecessary for the plotlines of this film to diverge back to that-- but it could begin to explain the basic structure of the film for me. God I love being an over-enthused movie geek! I'm just glad there was no one here to watch me watch it for the first time. Best to keep that level of excitement (and embarassment) to myself. Luckily, I remembered to breath...when it was over... ^_^
God I can't wait to see this film with you guys!!!