I posted this on a message board and since it's almost 4AM I'm not going to do a whole different post for LJ. ;)
I'm back from a midnight show also. I wanted to give this a B, but ended up giving it a B-.
I did like it overall. It held my attention and moved fairly well. It did feel like an episode rather than a movie though, and the writing and execution really could have been better. I would love to have seen one of the other writers tackle the idea of a movie. Oh well.
I thought the MOTW plot was scary enough. The Mulder and Scully character moments were good, though sometimes I felt the writing was trying too hard. DD and GA were great, though. It was awesome to see them and just that alone elevates the movie for me. I have missed them.
For those not caring for the romantic undertones between Mulder and Scully, this may be difficult pill to swallow. We had some very 'shippy moments in this thing. I'm very happy that they were together in this movie, even if their relationship was strained. I actually wish it was more strained at first to sort of justify Scully wanting to leave him later on.
I liked all of the actors. I think they did well with what they were given. It was so great to see Skinner. I was hoping he was going to show up. I loved him taking care of Mulder too. Seeing him on the screen along with Mulder and Scully suddenly made the movie really feel like The X-Files.
I have to say though, what is the deal with all the snow in West Virginia? Does it really get like that? I mean, it really felt like Canada. On the show they used to get away with having Vancouver double for other places, but here it really just felt like they were in Canada.
The end credits were bizarre. I really hoped they were going somewhere with the strange change from ice to ocean ect. I started to joke that Mulder and Scully were going to be on the Lost island and next think I know I see them on a frakking row boat! I was so busy laughing my ass off at Scully lounging in a bikini with Mulder her little row boat slave boy rowing along that I missed them waving at the camera. It was a total joke. I don't know if they were fooling around with the whole "shipper" thing or what, but man was I laughing my ass off.
Oh and I caught Chris Carter in a little cameo. I enjoyed all of the other references to the show and the in jokes. Yeah it was fan service, but I liked it. Maybe if all this time hadn't passed I would have been annoyed, but not with years having gone by.
I wish there was more of a mention with William and sort of having it tie in to Scully wanting to save the little boy in the B story. I kind of felt like she was connecting to the boy on that level because of William and that he is her version of Mulder's Samantha. It would have been interesting to see that play out a bit more between them and have it come out that there is something that is driving each of them that isn't so different.
Anyway, I liked it. I'll probably see it again with my friends that didn't want to go to a midnight show. Then I'll be done. Though I might want to get the soundtrack. I really liked much of the score.
I definitely want to do another midnight showing that will have more of a turn out. I didn't expect this one to really have a big audience, even though it was fairly full. However, it was a tiny auditorium. I think I'll want to be going to the HBP midnight show... That might be a better midnight madness experience. :)