10 Passions - Secret Encounter

Jul 31, 2009 20:22

Belated b'day gift for mommimus_prime. Hope you like it! Also my first ever attempt at (human) femslash. Characters are OCs but lets face it, TF is not known for its vast multitude of female characters

TITLE: Unseen
PROMPT: 1. Secret Encounter
CHARACTER(S)/PAIRING(S): Lookout(Sky)/Kefira(Kef)
RATING: M to NC-17
WARNINGS: Femslash, smut
SUMMARY: Sky and Kef secretly reunite while on holiday.
DISCLAIMER: Transformers are not mine; Sky is mommimus_prime’s; Kef is mine
NOTES: Sky is a junior apprentice medic, Kef is a tracker-in-training. All characters are human in this fic. Pathfinder (Sky’s brother) and Nightstrike belong to tirya56


She traced idle patterns on the younger femme’s back, keeping her touch gentle and light so as not to wake her from the light doze she had fallen into. Her sensitive medic’s fingers relished the smooth skin they glided over, soft and silky, without a bump or blemish in sight.

As the evening drew on and the temperature started to drop, she debated pulling up the blankets around them, not wanting to risk rousing Kef because she loved to watch the young woman sleep. She looked so beautiful and innocent as she lay there face-down on the bed, partly pressed up against her; and she was so comfortably warm…

There were muffled noises outside, telling her the boys and Kef’s dads were probably getting dinner ready. She was thankful Kef’d remembered to lock the door after she came in earlier - the last thing she wanted was one, or both, of the boys walking in on them, and also because she wanted to protect Kef.

The smaller girl only revealed her body to her, and her alone. Even Kef’s own fathers had probably never seen her naked in human form, and for the time being, she wanted to keep it that way. Kef was still too innocent and inexperienced to give herself intimately to a boy, even if that boy was Sky’s brother and a gentleman.

She nuzzled the other’s soft, brown hair and kissed her forehead, ceasing her tracing and wrapping her arm around her, affection and fondness clear in her blue eyes as she tucked Kef’s head under her chin. Did she feel a little guilty for tricking Kef up here, and going behind Night’s back at the same time? Perhaps a little, but, as she thought back to a little while ago, maybe it was worth it….


A few hours ago…

Sky sat on a towel on the river bank, watching her boyfriend, brother and best friend engage in a water-fight in the shallow, and grinning when Path grabbed Kefira around the waist, lifted her up and partially dunked her. She’d been playing with them, too, but had choked on a bit of water and so had returned to the bank for a breather, and to watch.

That had not been a good move…

Nightstrike, her boyfriend, looked gorgeous as always, wet around the edges and looking far too sexy in just his swimming shorts, but they’d already gotten a bit frisky that morning and Steeljaw and Zauru, acting as chaperones for their short stay up in the mountain-cabin, had told them to cool off or Sky’s parents would have their heads.

So she made the mistake of letting her eyes drift to Kefira. Primus above, but that sweet white bikini the younger femme wore was doing nothing to help matters, especially since she knew the beautiful little body that lay behind the fabric. Kef only looked younger than the 18 years that she was.

Sky shifted a little uncomfortably when Kef resurfaced, dripping wet, and smacked Pathfinder over the shoulder. Then she turned and looked at her, smiling.

“Aren’t you coming back in, Sky?”

The older femme smiled back. Primus, but why did her best friend - someone she loved as a little sister all her life - have to look so cute and attractive at the same time? Night was a good lover - caring, considerate - but there were those times when she just yearned for Kef’s softer touch.

This was looking to be one of those times, but how to get her back to their room without making it look too suspicious to the boys? She smiled a bit back at Kef.

“Maybe not Keffy, think I swallowed a little too much water and it’s giving me a bit of a headache.” Her gaze lingered on Kef. “Think I’ll head in and lie down for a while before dinner.”

Nightstrike started towards her. “I’ll come with you.”

“Oh, no no. I’ll be fine.” She hated keeping this from him, but she was too scared to tell him, not knowing how he would react, and afraid that he might keep her and Kef apart if he didn’t like it. “Besides, I’m a medic, I know what I’m doing. Please, carry on and dunk Path for me.”

Then she stood and headed back to the cabin, not looking back. She knew Kef wouldn’t be long to follow….


She had just finished a shower, dried off and wrapped a towel around herself when she heard a light tap on the door, and Kef’s voice calling her name.

“It’s open,” she replied, only for Kef to hear, as she hung up her towel and crawled under the blankets.

Kefira entered, damp, a towel draped around her slender shoulders - they were her best asset, Sky thought - and headed to the bathroom after locking the door.

“How’s your head?” she asked.

“A little better.” Sky resisted the urge to lean over and watch her undress and shower. She’d have Kef to herself soon enough.

Kef’s shower seemed to take forever, and Sky lay there on her back wondering what exactly she was trying to accomplish, why she was feeling this way, why she didn’t want anyone else to know about them. Oh, Kef’s fathers probably suspected something was going on, from their liasons in the past, but neither of the two men seemed to mind.

In fact, they seemed to understand why two girls would seek comfort and intimacy in each other. Sky sighed. If only other bots could be as understanding as the Primitives were, then she wouldn’t have to keep sneaking off like this. She didn’t want to keep feeling guilty or ashamed of loving Kef, too.

“Does it hurt?” Kef asked.

The brunette stood by the bed, wrapped in a fluffy yellow towel and looking worried for her friend.

Sky looked at her. Sneaky femme, she hadn’t even heard her approach. “Hmm? No, it doesn’t hurt so much, you’re here now.”

“But I didn’t do anything.”

“Not all healing comes from medicine, Kef. Sometimes being with someone you love is the best medicine of all.”

Kef smiled a bit. “Night’s downstairs.”

“I wasn’t talking about Night.” Sky moved the blankets aside and patted the empty space on the bed in invitation.

The younger femme didn’t seem too surprised to find her friend naked, but she did give Sky a look that said she knew something was up, but hung her towel up beside Sky’s apple-green one - they were not boys after all, to just toss them on the floor - and climbed onto the bed.

“So what was the real affliction?” she asked as she ran her fingers through Sky’s red-ginger hair.

“Loneliness.” Sky pulled her closer. “I missed you.”

Kef nuzzled her. “Hasn’t Night been good to you?”

“He’s wonderful, but he’s not you.” Sky caressed the younger’s cheek with a thumb. “Remember I told you boys arent like you.”

“Because I’m softer.”

“Yeah.” Sky leaned over and kissed her tenderly. “So much softer, calmer.”

“Everything Night’s not?”

“Yeah.” She nuzzled the curve of Kef’s neck and kissed a shoulder. “Have you told Path?”

“No, it never came up, and he doesn’t seem to care even if he can smell it on me.” Kef rubbed her friend’s shoulder, running her fingers lightly over her skin and making her way lower. “You haven’t told Night.”

“No, and I don’t think I’m going to. He wouldn’t understand, likely kick up a fuss and tell me I couldn’t see you again.” She gently rubbed her hand over the other’s lean stomach, marvelling at how she could be so soft to touch in spite of the muscle just below. “And I don’t think I could go for long again without being close to you.”

Kef’s small hand caressed a breast, and she smiled a bit when Sky closed her eyes with a sigh, pressing into the touch. “And why is that?” Her fingers stroked a hardening nipple as a flush crept into Sky’s cheeks.

When Sky caught her breath and calmed the shivers of pleasure that ran up her spine, she returned the favor, fondling Kef’s slightly rounder, fleshier breasts before closing her lips over a pert nipple. Smaller though Kef was, she could just about manage to fit into a B, while Sky herself could only manage an A.

“Because I need someone to remind me that I’m a girl, as well as a girlfriend,” Sky murmured in reply. “And so I wont forget what a girl feels like, and how a girl likes to be pleasured.” She nuzzled. “For all that Night’s good to me, with him I’m a girlfriend. With you, I remember what it’s like to touch another female. Like this….”

She moved in and took Kef’s other nipple in her mouth, flicking her tongue lightly against it and kissing the breast. She smiled a bit at the sounds of arousal coming from Kef and continued to caress the younger’s breasts and skin, before kissing her softly again, deeper this time, fuller.

“I missed you too,” Kef said when they parted for air.

“Eventhough you have Path? And after wanting him for so long?” Sky kissed and nuzzled her, pulling her closer so their breasts pressed and their nipples rubbed against each others.

Kef hissed in pleasure and bumped their hips. “I love him, and he’s like you, but he’s not you.” She brushed her crotch against Sky’s, running her hand over the older femme’s aft.

Sky mirrored the gesture, groping and rubbing Kef’s bottom before bringing her hand around to her front and sliding a couple of fingers between Kef’s legs. Just as she thought, the younger girl was rather wet and she moaned when Sky’s fingers stroked her.

“Can we… oh Sky…,” Kef groaned, trying to form words. “Play, with each other, like before… the fingers and the touching. I do want to remember what it was like with another girl.” She ducked her head and licked a nipple, drawing her tongue over Sky’s skin from breast to neck.

The redhead shivered and rolled them over so Kef was on her back and she lay over the brunette, pressing her finger further between the folds of the younger’s groin and drawing it up to tickle at the little nub of skin, her other hand brushing Kef’s hair from her face.

“I will, if you’ll remind me, too.”

Kef bucked at the touches, moaning loudly, but was pinned down by Sky’s weight. The finger continued to tickle between her legs, and she spread them to give the older femme better access, muffling her cries in Sky’s shoulder. She stretched her hand down, touching the warm, moist skin between Sky’s legs and stroking lightly. The femme above her tensed and let out a choked moan.

“Oh, Primus, Kef… that feels good.” She pressed into Kef’s fingers and rubbed the younger harder with her own, smiling slightly when she heard Kef’s breaths come in panting moans. “Yeah, that’s it, Keffy.”

Sky bit back a squeal when Kef slipped a small finger into her, carefully wiggling and stretching her before adding another and moving them in and out. It felt so incredibly good and she longed to return the gesture, but Kef was still essentially a virgin, and that gift was not her’s to take. Kef would give it to Path when they were ready, just as she’d given hers to Night.

Instead, she focused on making the younger girl orgasm simply by just stroking and rubbing the little nub and licking at her breasts and nipples, even as she moaned at the feel of Kef’s fingers stimulating her from the inside.

Suddenly Kef tensed and shivered, letting out a few sharp cries that told Sky she’d hit her orgasm. She kept tickling, leaning and kissing the younger girl heatedly, her own release not too far off.

Kef’s fingers pushed deeper inside her, rubbing over a particularly sensitive spot that made Sky moan into the kiss. That, coupled with the way Kef writhed beneath her, and the friction of Kef’s hand on her own nub, was enough to push Sky over the edge and into her own release. She whimpered against Kef’s mouth, body spasming, holding the other femme close and rubbing their bodies together till the rush subsided and both lay slack, spent….



It was worth it…. Watching Kef as she slept in her arms, Sky knew it was worth it. She reached for a small hand-towel, folded it and cleaned herself off, then re-folded it the other way around to clean Kef. Gently, and careful not to wake her, she moved the younger’s leg to wipe her down as well. Kef stirred and made a little noise.

“Shh…” Sky soothed her, stroking her hair. “Just cleaning you up.”

Tossing the towel away, she pulled up the blankets around them, tucking in the ends to keep the slight chill out. Kef turned on her side and cuddled closer to the older femme, draping an arm over her waist and snuggling deeper into the warmth with a content sigh.

Sky kissed the bridge of her nose softly. “Silly, lazy kitten.”

“Not a kitten.” Sleepy brown-green eyes looked into Sky’s blue.

“Still my kitten,” Sky replied. “How are you feeling?”

“Feel okay,” Kef said, rubbing her eyes. “You’re always gentle with me. Do you feel better?”

“Yeah.” She kissed the brunette softly. “That’s because you’re so soft and cuddly, I don’t want to hurt you… and I’m scared that I am, doing this.”

Kef kissed her back. “You’re not. I’m glad we have this at least. I rather this than not having you at all.”

A knock on the door stopped Sky’s reply, and Pathfinder’s voice called out. “Kef, sis, dinner’s ready.”

“We’ll be right there, bro,” Sky called back. She started to get up as her brother’s footsteps faded down the stairs. “I guess we should go.”

Kef caught her wrist, sitting up as well. “We should, but first….” She leaned in and kissed Sky softly and deeply, tilting her head and moving her lips gently, moaning as Sky returned the kiss passionately. “I love you, Sky.”

“I love you, too, Keffy.”

The younger femme watched as her best friend got dressed and headed to the door. “Sky… until next time?”

Sky paused and looked back with a smile that was half-sad and half-hopeful. “Until next time….”

“I’ll see you then.” Kef got up, but didn’t go to her, instead starting to dress as well.

“Yeah.” She opened the door and stepped out. “Don’t take too long.”


Feedback Appreciated!

cross-posted to 10_passions, tf_femmeslash and femme_force

kefira, sky/kef, 10 passions, challenge, femslash, angst, human tfs, sky (lookout), oc, bed

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