Alphabet Meme - Fics

May 27, 2009 13:35

Thought I'd give the completed ficlets their own entries, just to make it easier for folks to find and read...

Three are complete so far, and still plenty more letters to choose from here. Please heed the guidelines. All fics are rated G to PG. Slash will be warned for....

Letter/prompt: M is for Mirror
Chosen by: tirya56
Character(s): Mirage

The former aristocrat was reclined on one of the couches in the lounge. His head was bowed… hmmm… that meant he was either reading, or asleep. Perfect. The mech crept closer, darting from cover to cover and keeping low as he approached from behind. This time he would get him for sure.

He ignored and curious and/or amused stares from some of the other occupants in the room. They knew what this was about of course, the bet had been running for a week now, and it was a little insulting that no one had bet on him to get the drop on the spy.

Just make the rich richer, why don’t they?! Nevermind the poor, starving mech like himself who really did need the money. Well, needed it for all his contraband, but that was besides the point; he worked hard for his money!

Mirage shifted and he froze, hiding behind a chair and hoping Skyfire’s large bulk would cover him if the blue-and-white mech looked over. He need not have worried. Mirage simply shifted a little onto his side and put his back squarely to the back of the couch and to him. Oh, this would be too easy!

Grinning like the proverbial cat that ate the canary, he crept closer. The spy didn’t so much as twitch. The sound of his approach covered up by the general noise and chatter of the other mechs, his confidence in finally winning one round against the Special Ops team member blossomed… Almost have him…

He pounced. “Gotcha!”

There was a yelp and a resounding crash.

Inferno smacked his hand down on the table. “Pay up, Smokey.”

“Not just yet my friend. First we need to find out how he did it,” Smokescreen replied.

Mirage straightened and offered a hand to Sideswipe, to help him up from the shattered ruins of the small wooden coffee table the humans sometimes used. Of course he’d been well aware of the warriors approach, and the moment Sideswipe tried to get an arm around his neck, it had been a simple matter to use his momentum against him and toss the mech ove his head into the table.

Sideswipe took the offered hand and pulled himself up, rubbing his head. “How did you know this time?”

Chuckling, Mirage pointed. “If you’re going to sneak up on someone from behind, just make sure they’re not sitting in front of a mirror.”



Letter/prompt: R is for Rivalry
Chosen by: newsy891
Character(s): Tracks and Sunstreaker

“I don’t see your other half,” Tracks commented to Sideswipe as they passed each other in the hall.

“That’s… very observant of you Tracks,” Sideswipe replied with a quirked optic ridge. “Well done.”

“Well where is he?”

“What do you care? Got an appointment with him or something?”

“In a sense.”

Sideswipe paused and looked Tracks over. “He’s off-base. At the motorshow.” He smirked when he saw Tracks’ optic give a twitch. “Don’t tell me, you were supposed to go together?”

“Why that sneaky… he left early to grab all the attention!”

“Well… duh. This is Sunstreaker. You were expecting humility?”

Tracks growled something and transformed, driving off in a screech of tyres as Sideswipe cackled behind him. Clearing the Ark’s entrance, he activated his wings and took to the air. Oh he’d give these humans a show. That silly yellow Lamborghini had nothing on a flying Corvette.

Sure enough, as he flew in low, he saw a crowd already gathered around the sleek sports car, cameras flashing as people snapped pictures of him from every possible angle. Smirking inwardly, he revved his engine and swooped over the crowd. Heads turned…

Sunstreaker snarled to himself. Why that prissy little Corvette! He watched in disgust as the crowd that had only minutes ago been swarming over him, turned their attention to Tracks as he landed and folded in his wings. He wanted to make this a competition did he? Fine. Game on…

Tracks basked in the spotlight as the humans crowded around to get a better look at him. Had he been in robot form, he would have been smiling rather smugly at stealing Sunstreaker’s attention. It felt good. People admired him, and rightly so. Yellow had nothing on his beautiful cobalt blue.

There was the purr of a high performance engine, and again heads turned. Sunstreaker had opened his doors and lit up his interior. Tracks spluttered as the tide shifted once more and people rushed to get a closer look at the Lamborghini’s luxury leather interior and state-of-the-art driving and navigational equipment. Oh, so this was how he wanted to play….

A hum and the sound of spreading wings drew Sunstreaker’s attention again. Tracks hovered in place off the ground, wings spread and engines fired up. People drifted once more to the Corvette, curious to see how a car could possibly sprout wings and fly. Sunstreaker growled. Tracks chuckled.

“Wow! Check that beauty out!”

All eyes, and two pairs of visual scanners turned to the stage where a beautiful cherry red Ferrari had emerged, complete with leggy female driver in a mini-dress. Lamborghini and Corvette could only watch in disbelief as the humans, who’d only a moment ago been admiring them, flocked to the stage to fawn over what both Autobots saw as nothing more than a normal Earth-made car.

Sunstreaker circled and pulled up near Tracks as the blue Corvette touched down on his wheels again.

“Can you believe that?” the yellow Lamborghini asked.

“I know, these humans have absolutely no taste. I mean, look at that garish red.”

“Tell me about it, even Sideswipe’s red isnt as blinding.”

“That’s because he’s usually covered in dust,” Tracks replied.


“Still, there’s nothing to be had on blue.”


“Puh-lease, blue is much more soothing on the optic.”

“Yellow attracts more attention, which is how more people notice me than you.”

“Oh is that so? Want to put it to the test?” Tracks engine revved in challenge

“And show that little red pony how its done? By all means.” Sunstreaker responded likewise.

“Best pose wins?”






Letter/prompt: U is for Unrivaled
Chosen by: tiptoptile
Character(s): Jetfire and Jetstorm

Technically one would say they had everything a mech could want - the dream life a lot of bots wished they could have. They were picked from obscurity, reformatted, rose faster through the ranks thanks to one-on-one sessions with the best of the Elite Guard, graduated faster than anyone else in the history of Autobot-kind, became personal soldiers to a Prime, got to travel off-planet.

They could fly. The first Autobots to do so since many a young bot could remember. They had firepower that made even the most hardcore weapons specialists drool. They had Safeguard, the combiner, pride of the scientists. Non-combatants wanted to be like them, boot camp recruits wanted to be them.

Heck, they’d even fought Decepticons. Actual Decepticons. And won.

They were unrivaled in just about every aspect one could think of.

So then why did it feel like they were missing something very important?

“Brother, you not be recharging?”

Jetstorm glanced over at his twin, who lay on the bunk along the other wall of their small cabin aboard the Elite Guard flagship. Jetfire looked back at him, amber optics glowing dimly in the dark.

“No brother, I be thinking,” the blue mech answered.

“What are you thinking?”

“I’m not knowing how to be explaining exactly.” Jetstorm scratched his head. “But I am just remembering those Earth-bots.”

Jetfire sat up. “What about them?”

“They are strange to me.” He shrugged. “They are different. Not being Elite Guard like us, but not being treated like us either.”

“What are you saying, brother?” Jetfire tilted his head, trying to see where his twin was going with this. “Of course they are not being treated like us.”

“Have you not being wondering why? None of them are being brothers like us, but they are still being close like brothers. Are you understanding?”

Jetfire gave this some thought. He could understand Jetstorm’s thoughts at least, and it was clear his twin was talking about the relationship the Earth-bots had with each other. No, none of them were brothers, but they seemed to have a certain level of respect and understanding amongs them that the Twins had never seen before.

“Well… Optimus Prime is not treating them like Sentinel Prime. He is talking to them like… like…”

“Like friends?” Jetstorm filled in the word.

“What is friend?”

“I am not knowing exactly. Mister Jazz, he said it is like being brothers but not being brothers.”

“I am not understanding this. Are we having these… friends?”

“I am not knowing that either.” Jetstorm lay back. “We be asking Mister Jazz later.”

“Okie for dokey. You be recharging for now, brother.” Jetfire lay back as well, and was soon in recharge again.

But Jetstorm couldn’t rest. Yes, they were unrivalled. They were probably even the pinnacle of Autobot perfection. They had everything - power, skills, speed, rank, status. The Earth-bots had nothing. Then why did he feel so empty? Why did he feel like, for all he and his brother had, they were the ones who really had nothing….



jetfire & jetstorm, tracks, alphabet, mirage, sunstreaker

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