Jan 18, 2007 19:32
So, it's butt cold and there's ice everywhere. All over the grass and covering the leaves on the oak trees and hanging like minature isicles from handrails.... well they were anyway.
A&M completely shut down. First on Tuesday BUT(!) promising to reopen promptly at 8am Wednesday; then after "futher careful thought and consideration" noon Wednesday. Then, that night came the ice-- and in the morning there was good news all around. Thus concludes my month + 2days winter vacation.
Today was overcast and grey and every bit as heavy and depressing as, as.... watching Hotel Rwanda in the dark of your empty dorm room (HUGE mistake). Trust me, it's stank. Anyhow, there wasn't a drop of rain that fell from the sky today, but the ice was melting.
So outside of your window, you have the pitter-patter of rain that lulls you into nearly sleeping through your first management class and once outside you're compelled to stand under a huge oak tree for shelter as you wait for your bus.... until some kind soul, who has finally gotten his fill of busting a gut over your pure idiocy, tells your that the exact spot that you have chosen as your refuge is your Brutus. There were ICE BOMBS under that tree!
Okay. So the first day was ok. Three classes, all tough profs, not at all impossible. Hardest class to date? Swimming. Yes, swimming. Beginners swimming, to be exact-- but wouldn't you know it? We would wind up with the flippin' nationally-ranked Texas A&M Swimming and Diving Team COACH. Yes, coach. Frick.
Mmmmmm... que mas? Oh. So Bush is killin' me. I watched his live televised excu- ah, explanation as to why he was sending 20,000 additional troops over to Iraq to be slaughtered for a cause half of them can't even explain and I cried. Into a economy bag of jalapeno flavored blue corn chips-- and immediately after polished off the entire bag. So not only can we blame Bush for the death of thousands of American soldiers, but he can now also be pinned for morbid obesity, hypertension and Dunlap disease (you know... "done lapped over the belt"? yeah, yeah. ha ha.).
Don't get me wrong. I respect Bush; in fact, I rooted for him, even after he became the underdog. If I had a car it would have had one of those ugly (permanent) "W" things posted on the back window! (thank God for small favors) But he is killing me. I'm a Black Republican for crying out loud!!
I think I'm breaking some kind of unspoken code here.
But he makes it hard. He makes it hard for me to fall in behind him so easily anymore. And he's making it especially hard for any Republican to fall in behind him in office in 2008 (or 2006 for that matter).
I think I understand that if we pull out now, their "Democratic" goverment will fall apart and the ensuing government will wreak all kinda havoc on the country and the people, not to mention the out of this world gas prices.... but... Who's war are we really fighting here?
And don't scream Bush.
Bush is not Satan incarnate and Bush did not start this war. It takes a whole damn Congress to declare War. Though I do believe if any voice had the power to absolutely stop this mad idea before it inevitably spiraled out of control, it was his. The cost of his credibilty in exchange for 3000+ lives? I think shouldn't have been too hard to handle.
I just don't like being lied to.
Okay, okay. I'm done. Just know I'm more that just a little miffed. About all of this........ Bleh.
Happy New Year--Y'all be easy.