Sep 18, 2005 16:05
ok, so i'm in a little trouble.
i have 5 quizzes, a chem lab report write-up, a bio lab report write-up, first chem exam, history exam and bio exam plus a self defense assesment due this week.
(i mean what the hell!!?? its self defense! its supposed to be a BIRD COURSE!!!)
... not to mention its week 2 of track tryouts. time trials on thursday, walk-on list posted saturday.
(not that i not completely dying to make that roster [because i am] but dang i just wish it could all be over; its taking too much out of me. i need to know so i can move forward with my life.)
in other news, girls night-in was huge success, minus my roommate [ :( ], donnie darko (eerie is the word here) and mulan rouge. so the night ended in tears, virtually. goodtimesgoodtimes.
oh, and my girl justique, shes got a man. and hes black. so give her major props on facebook when you get a chance. (... oh, but wait garrett! you're NOT on facebook so you can't do that!! ::zealously shakes fist in general direction of corpus::)
in the news of sports: tamu beat the hell outta (henceforth referred to affectionately as: btho) smu 66-8. yes. undoubtedly because we rock. and we shall btho texas state when they waltz into the home of the 12th man and likewise when t.u. moseys thru. and that is your sports beat for today.
speaking of waltz-es. i'm a memeber of tambda, texas a&m ballroom dancing association. haha, imagine me ballroom dancing. actually i'm pretty good for never having fox trotted a day in my life...
anywho, i need to get started on this massive amount of homework i've accumulated over the past 3 weeks of living out the media portryed "college life". cuz reality has set in. and it weighs a ton.
college life