Part Duex

Nov 15, 2006 08:14

Bender Was Wrong; Or, What To Do When Locked In A Vacancy
Part Two

Fuck off, oh pias one.
You who have never followed your heart or led anything.
You power hungry mongrel, pathetic and humourous,
Taking pleasure in holding some twisted form of authority for five hours seems to have gone to your head.
Stalking back and forth, preying on those who came here on their own free will;
Those who provide you with a purpose in your sad, regugnant excuse for existance.
You might have been Prom Queen but now you're only Queen of the Dammed;
Wasting your day to supervise and scrutinize those who didn't ask for it, those who are trying to right wrongs.
You lead a powerful life with that clipboard, don't you?
For one moment you can instill fear, for one day you may reign.
But that will be over soon enough, for we will go out with style and sarcasm while you sigh and shuffle back into your Mediocre manifestation of 'adult' life.
Power due to a list of names, a glorified walkie-talkie.
No one even knows your name.
Not to insult you, not to compliment you.
Ugh, you!
With that sickening smile and arthiritic shlepp, regrets and redunancy oozing from your pores.
You're soccer mom to the core.
But while Billy's off at batting practice you could be batting your eyelashes so why come here and wait for an eternity?
Fuck with your phone for five hours?
What a grand, uppercurst generic life you must lead, impotent and ignorant, lacking of substance and communication.
Love is a lie since you don't love yourself and certainly don't love your life.
So get in your Beamer in an hour and pray your self-appointed prowess of power doesn't go to your head or your hands or your
B R A K E S.


-c- November 11, 2006 [xxxLips]
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