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- animaguskatt (50 - 100)
- coloratura (100 - 150)
- celestialnature, poppinjaye, damasdelore, ametju, djedi, gregstoll, fartingmonkey, wildrice13, malinborn, rhody1380, carsond (150 - 200)
- cyclometh, chocopig, ahfan, asura82, jennice, miragel, lonelygiant, zelwi, gupfee, chirik, thespatula, onefishclappin, arkineux, snixen (200 - 250)
- myfictionallife, freontrip, tasllyn, blue_fairie, kitan, raylen, cshiflet, meowing4, javer6, drspin, sixgun, redbanshee, oliy (250 - 300)
- smb, richspk, motomuffin, prospectjazz, brynndragon, bratling, jade_firefly, chigrkguy (300 - 350)
- crosina, pyden, fluff_dog, qiuee, eron, lilswtpea, katryna7, entelein, eyer81, lierre, bellavt731, puppetsmaster, red42 (350 - 400)
- jamesi, ozy_y2k, dahliam, aveena, belsarius, nicowolf, connal, northwlf, wolfknightx, thewolfmi, kint, nauta, valkyrie66, nanofluffmo (400 - 450)
- scarpe_scrappy, krikwennavd, blamantin, quijax, phaedra_amunet, cifarelli, evilca, wonderjess (450 - 500)
- battlerat, mirlandano, kizmatic, resk, groblek, tobasc0cat, morganism, ernieleaf, lucescere, dgenerator, mischiefmeister, victoriapaige, ignatius, wiz, pyrrha, pamcash, waywardclam, vg_ford, jacob_day, sasha_dozier, wipfy, tieshla, mooseythehut, celebinar, barlidoc, empath_1111, baka_kit, shadawyn (500 - 550)
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