It's been like a month since the last time I Let's see:
- I really like my appartment and the girls I live with. It's been lots of fun.
- The semester so far had kinda been rough. My days are busy, so I've been doin a lot of homework on the weekends - not such a bad thing...
- Poopy
- I've been keeping up with about all my classes - just one I feel behind in (I just got my book and my group isn't very productive.)
- My birthday was last week. It was a great time. I though Mark and I would go out to dinner but instead he made me a real yummy one. Mmm - Steak and biscuits
He got me some purty flowers and an iPod - totally unexpected and over the top, but needless to say, it made me happy...Thanks...You're the bestestest.
- We went out to Annapolis that night (Me, Mark, Chip, Brian, Min, Pat and a few of his friends...Mark's brother met up with us after he go out of work.) It was fun. I felt weird sitting at the bar - lol.
- I went home on Saturday after I got over the nausea I had in the morning. I got in too late to have my car fixed, but I got to see my sister, Rena, which I wasn't planning on, so that was cool. We went shopping (Dana, too) and then to dinner with my parent to the Hibatchi place next to my parents store. Yummy food.
- Sunday I came home, and yeah - thats it I think.
- Tara and I played beer pong at the guys place last night - I'm still not really sure Nonetheless, it was fun.
- This week feels like its going slow.
- Thursday - Orioles game; Friday - Tara's birthday; Saturday - Annapolis, Sunday - Dan's Birthday Lunch....Yay!
- Time for bed...G'night