Sep 05, 2004 21:01
The EPA was created for the better stewardship of the environment. Seeing how such is the case, it can check human interaction and development. If this is the case why not check the growth of suburbia? In the society of before, there was the fable of city mouse and country mouse. Very cut and dry, either you lived in the city or you lived in the country. Each had their own advantages. But suburbia was suppose to encompass both positive qualities. Instead it has accomplished both down falls within one area. It is eating away at valuable farmlands that could be better used for agricultural use. Also I find it the cause of greater traffic problems, greater pollution and greater social stress. So why should pursue an intensive growth formula instead of the standard extensive. Force the construction of more city blocks to accompany the population growth and support the farmers so that they don’t sell arable land for a cheap return. This way the old two world system would return and get rid of this three-system debacle. Think long term, and not always in the quickest return of rewards.