Today's work started shitty and shat more and more as it progressed. I got a new set of mailboxes to empty, many more than I used to have. Which sucks humlepung. But towards the end it got better. I met this guy outside a store where I collect mail (parcels and letters), and he greeted me with "Hallo, frende" and a big smile. We didn't really speak much, but just his greeting made a huge impression on me, for some reason. He was much older than me I believe, but he had some of the greatest hair I have seen in real life in some time now. He'd had it for twelve years now he told me. I am much envious, but I plan on keeping mine for ages (: He rode a bicycle, so now I want to start biking again.
I currently have two different plans for spending the money I'll get from work. One, buy a computer. Building it from scratch of course. Or, two: buy a Chapman Stick. The latter is the most tempting one, but I'm unsure about starting with a new instrument so soon. I want to get comfortable with the fretless bass first. Getting there, getting there.
I dunno if I mentioned it but I have a bass amp at long last. Well, I've had one for quite some time, really. But it has been standing in an attic for two years and I barely knew of it. I got it repaired for 550 kroner and it's singing again, but with (in?) a slightly rusty voice. I wonder what it sounded like some twenty years ago. It's a WEM in case someone was interested. WEM Destructor 50 or something like that. Dominator, that's the word. Not Destructor.
Anyhow, I was going to hang out with a friend today but he was dead tired after work. Which was kinda good since I was too. I relaxed some, had pizza, practiced and watched some tv. I'll be going to bed in a few minutes I think.
I have the house by myself this week. It's strange, such a big place when noone (no-one? :s) is at home. I should invite friends ofer every day or something (: Bass amp is in the livingroom so I won't bother the neighbours as much.
A while a go my back musculature was -really- uneven. The right side was all macho but there was no muscle on the left. It's been bothering me for years, and it never seemed to fix even when training rigorously (rigoUrously?). It's because my left leg is slightly longer than the right. I won't bother writing up my theories on why and how it works and all that but basically it's been the source of alot of pain in my lower back. My shoulders were also uneven (just ever so slightly. You could tell if you knew, kinda. I think.), but that was fixed with acupuncture. Yes, it works. Did for me anyways. Something about my jaw and eyes and alot of stuff like that. The needle was in my ear, kinda like a piercing (in the outer part, where the white/red piercing is there).
Anyways, my back is evening out at long last. FINALLY!!! :D My theory is that it's because of work, lifting all them boxes.
I sometimes have a fear of walking up stairs. I walk up them with no problem at all but I keep thinking someone's gonna grab me (think this, but less fancy and not spiralling: or come running after me. It sometimes makes me skip some of the steps.
Oh, and I must remember to upload a photo of myself soon. I've changed a little bit, I'd say.
Well, off to bed. Sleepyhead.
I love you Sean Malone (: