((OOC: It's sort of like how you'll make a list of things to do on a palm pilot, only the whole network can see it anyway.))
Things to look into:
- Running water? Some sort of hose system from the well for showers maybe, but must figure out some solution for the toilets - investigate whether the well is situated on top of an underwater stream or
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((OOC: working on the log, promise, just need a small burst of inspiration! D:))
((OOC: :D It's okay! Just take your time and we'll get done with it. I'm having a lot of fun with them.))
Both of these things mean it needs to be a decent size? And also, obviously, it would be good to be able to pull the food out without risking burning yourself every time.
((OOC: I confess to knowing barely anything about dancing - though I DID take yoga. But yes, fun. :D))
So, ya said yer house's missin' a wall? That might help since ya need a chimney 'f sorts too.
A paddle, right, stone maybe, or...
Yes, but the missing wall's on the opposite end of the kitchen - keeps the bugs away at least a little bit - but I guess just because it's an oven doesn't mean it needs to be IN the kitchen. Sort of more like a barbeque.
We've also got to figure out some sort of cold food's storage. I think I remember something about digging pits for food...?
Okay, put the oven like ya said. Err. Fer cold food, it's recommended ya dig in yer basement, and keep it dry. Nothin'll set up rot n'mold like wetness, keep that in mind when ya start dryin' food too.
Basement, right. I'll have to make sure to dig far away from the tree then, for that, and maybe make up some sort of cover for it in case of rain.
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