SG-1 double-drabble....with waffles!

Aug 04, 2008 21:02

     Watching Stargate with 
smellen_of_troy today we got to talking about Daniel Jackson...nothing new about that one, Somehow the topic of Ascended Daniel came up; I believe it spawned from our hot-ascended-sweater conversation, via the episodes where Daniel appears in a a wife-beater conversation, via the Michael Shanks conversation.  We discussed thoroughly Daniels' feeling of guilt and unworthiness when it came to his first ascension...the sheer ANGST is unbearable! I then brought up how I thought it was silly that Anubis was allowed to ascend; wasn't there a better screening process? How did he manage to fool Oma? This double-drabble is my own answer to this perplexing Stargate riddle. Enjoy the coffee...but stay for the Waffles.

Ascension in a Pancake House

The path to enlightenment, the key to everlasting life amongst the ancients...If only Daniel had known it was the waffles it would have made the whole ascension thing a hell of a lot easier.  He had been banging his head against the wall since he figured it out; it wasn’t self realization, selfless thoughts, sacrifice, or even  earned was the God damned waffles.  Anubis had been able to ascend, and he didn’t meet any of the usual criteria; why? - Because he had eaten  Omas Desalas’ waffles -and flattered her profusely with culinary praises. Ascension for Daniel had been confusing and difficult the first time, even by SG-1 standards.  The second time was a walk in the park; eat a few of Oma’s waffles in the ascended diner and before you know it you’re a freaky-deaky light bulb glowing on another plane of existence ...ok, so there was a bit of a rumble at the end, and Daniel may have blown a cerebral fuse or two (mental note: shouting at the Ancients is not worth your time); but Oma was fighting on his side...

He said they were the best waffles he had ever had.  

sg-1, daniel jackson, fan-fic

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