I should really see a doctor

Jan 24, 2007 15:48

My monthly visitor has gone beyond rediculous.

This week I have been beyond unconsolibly depressed (hence that last post, because most of the time I am fine in that department).  The Dana Bus is curently in the shop.  When I started her when we first got back, she was fine, but when I took her in the get everthing else fixed, they are having trouble starting her.  I naturally have gotten myself conviced that I have ruined my true love and will never drive her again.

My cramps are also back.

I feel like I am completely disconected from my body.  I feel like I cannot conect thoguhts at all and have no sense of what is going on right now.

I am so close to just having them take the whole system out.  I have had enough of t completely trashing my mind and body, no organ is worth the trouble it has coused.
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