DSCN3217, originally uploaded by
Le Silly.
GAH. I die over and over again from the hotness that is him playing guitar! Dear god. Those fingers! :3
If you want to, please feel free to look at more of my pictures from the show here:
the Mercury Tree at the Hawthorne Theatre 8/29/2010 Last night was the EP release show for Descent. Which i am super, super, super proud of him for. It sounds GREAT, Ben spent SO much time mixing and tweaking and making everything sound so great.
*SHAMELESS PLUG*: Please have a listen to the new EP, Descent, available streaming for your listening pleasure at Bandcamp:
the Mercury Tree - Descent EP. Please do listen! And if you like it you can buy a digital copy for $5 (or more if you think it is worth it, it is sort of sliding scale style which i like).