Elusive Sleep

May 09, 2010 09:36

Feel completely exhausted. Another restless night it seems, though i don't remember lying awake the whole time, it took me forever to fall asleep even though i was so tired and out of it i could barely speak by the time i went to bed. Ben was laughing at me because i was so flaky and out of it last night, it was silly. So why the hell couldn't i sleep better? Period, i blame you!!! Honestly i am so upset that i can't seem to do much to control my sleep. Maybe it is time to get on Trazodone again, i could order some more online. But there are so many other places that money should go (making sure rent next month is good, buying bras or shoes which i need both of desperately, paying off debt on medical bills or the credit card).

Last night i had weird dreams but barely remember them. Something to do with i was homeless and the only place i could live was in a men's locker room or bathroom...i kept trying to shower, change or sleep on the benches but kept getting interrupted by guys coming in to change, and often times i was in various states of undress, so it was very nerve wracking and embarrassing feeling. Then in a latter part of the dream i was heading up to a mansion on a forested hill (looked like Chip Ross Park in Corvallis) in a car with two or three other people, it was filled with trepidation, like there was someone i needed to find there but i was extremely nervous over what sort of confrontation there would be.

I have to work at 4. I really don't want to. Lack of sleep or bad sleep has been making me feel sick a lot lately. Today and tomorrow, then i get a day off thank goodness...but then another 7 day week with only one day off. :(

period, medication, exhausted, dream, work, sleep deprivation, sleep, exhaustion, anxiety, dreams, drugs

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